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Just been accepted for a WHV and people are asking for fees upfront to guarantee sponsorship

Nick Williams

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Hi All,


Hope you are all well?


I have recently been approved a working holiday visa, will be looking at coming over in the next 4/5 months. Want to do at least 2 years in Aus. Just want to know where would be the best place to go etc?? I have been speaking to various people about employment. I came across this one man (email address removed as per forum rules). He asked me for a fee and said he could guarantee sponsorship he then got really aggressive when I said I'm not that stupid to pay a fee up front to someone I have never met, he threatened to tell people he knew at "immigration" about me etc... I haven't paid it, as I'm not that silly... do you get many people like this? Sorry if this isn't the thread for this kind of comment. But I just want some peoples views...




Nick Williams

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There is no guarantee of sponsorship so you are totally right to avoid anyone guaranteeing it. Out of interest, is this guy MARA registered?

Dont worry about the threats. He's full of it. If he is MARA registered I would pass his threatening emails on to them.

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gosh - he sounds a right tool, you did the right thing standing up to him!

Personally I started my WHV in Sydney as I knew before I went that I wanted to spend a lot of time on the East coast. As Blossom has said, it would be worth you putting what your skills are.

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Hi Blossom and louisella,


Thank you for the quick response. He was saying he was, how do I report him to them. There was something about him, that wasn't sitting right with me. He was saying he was a well established businessman but he seemed so desperate for me to Join up with him, he also said I had no chance of getting sponsored as he would be "having a word with his friend you wokred for immigration"...... so basically threatening me.I have kept all of the email trail and I'm more than happy to pass this on to anyone. I work in Financial services in the UK, for an investment management firm. I'm currently working towards a diploma in financial planning (not that it'll mean much in Aus, obviously different tax laws etc) I'd like to possibly do two years, so i have read that I'll have to do some regional work, is this correct?


Thanks for quick reply once again.



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Guest The Pom Queen

Just saw the email address you posted it isn't even a business domain. This person needs reporting ASAP to stop him ripping off some other innocent person. I would personally contact the police, MARA and trading standards.

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Guest The Pom Queen
I work in Financial services in the UK, for an investment management firm. I'm currently working towards a diploma in financial planning (not that it'll mean much in Aus, obviously different tax laws etc) I'd like to possibly do two years, so i have read that I'll have to do some regional work, is this correct?


Thanks for quick reply once again.



The best person to chat with is @Alan Collett at Go Matilda, not only is he a migration agent but he has his own firm of accountants. He is reputable and would give you a simple yes or no and I promise he won't threaten you :wink:

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Guest The Pom Queen
These are the emails, I am dealing with...........

Nick I've deleted your emails because if this does go further you don't want it coming back to bite you. However if any members would like a copy please email Nick directly.

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Guest The Pom Queen
I dont understand how it can go any further on his part? I have traced his IP and its saying he is from the USA......

I see from his website he says he is the best etc, well I've never heard of him and after the email you posted I hope I never do. Do you know who the migration agent is he uses?

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