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Kylie Clayton

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Hi all,

I'm hoping to be moving back to Australia with my family in the next 6 months. I'm originally from New Zealand and my family moved to Australia when I was 3yrs old. I grew up in Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast. I then came to the UK when I was 26 traveling and never left. It's been 13yrs and I'm now married to a pom and have 2 little boys. We've applied for the partner migration visa as I'm a eligible new zealander. I can't wait to come home!!

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Thanks for the warm welcom. I'd love to live on the sunshine coast but realistically it'll be Brisbane. I've been looking at the caboolture/ narangba or even ningi areas. It's taken me 8 years to convince my hubby to make the move. His family are gutted but we have to do what's best for our family.

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Hi Kylie, we had our visa granted a few weeks ago and are very excited. Telling the family has been hard I haven't told my sister yet as our dad passed away a few weeks ago as well and she's just so low. Finding the right time will be difficult but lll have to tell her. We started clearing the garage and loft. We like the Gold Coast area. Good luck :)

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