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189 - how long did you process take

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we lodged ours on 16/6, front loading PCCs and Meds. You can do them before getting a case officer allocated. I have heard of people on here front loading and getting a case officer in 3-5 weeks and then an instant decision if it's straightforward. Though there are others that wait months.. Confusing i know.. We're waiting for a case officer now since 16/6, hopefully will happen soon. good luck.. :)

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I think if they have all you documents ( ie police checks & medicals ) it can be instant, as that's all the C/O asks for. Well I'm hoping so that's what some people have written on these forums. Where about in melbourne are you hoping to go? I feel like I have got my life on hold! Jx

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Yes I totally know what you mean about feeling like your life is on hold!! We first wanted to apply in 2009 but my hubbies occupation got removed from the SOL for a couple of years so we were stuck here waiting for it to be added back to the list...we only signed up with our agent late Sep last year & in fairness we were slow gathering the evidence for my hubbies TRA application so that took longer than expected & then he had to resit his IELTS & had to wait 6 weeks to get a resit date...setting us back even further! We've not done police checks or medicals yet but the paperwork was lodged a few weeks back so we're just waiting now! Our agent tells us the visa id 'ours' but until we actually 'get it' we feel like we're still in limbo & can't book flights etc - are you the same?

were not heading to Melbourne, although we had planned to originally, we're thinkin the Gold Coast now instead for the better climate. How bout you?

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We went traveling to OZ 14 years ago for one year and loved it. We always wanted to go back but I wouldn't leave my mum. Unfortunately my mum passed away 3 years ago which has left a massive hole in my life and heart. I feel the time was right now, so we started the ball rolling about 2 years ago. We didn't realise how much paper work their was! My other half sat his ielts 5 times he neeed all 8's. It wasn't until his last test he found out he was dyslexic. All passed now thank god! It's so hard, as our children are 7 & 11 years old and it's getting more difficult explaining to them. Have you been to OZ before? I think we are going to Melbourne.

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I'm so sorry to hear about your mum, that's really sad :-( but then it's nice to hear you are making good from the situation by following your dream of moving to Australia for a better life - I'm sure your mum would be really proud of you for making the move and doing what makes you happy!

Our situation is relatively similar in the sense that we took a gap year to Australia 2007 - 2008 and pretty much decided when we were there that we loved the country so much and would eventually emigrate, we just didn't expect it to take quite this long! My husband had to resit his IELTS 3 times and boy were we happy when he passed on the 3rd attempt - it's really not as easy as people think hey! Sorry to hear it took your partner 5 times but on a positive note at least he found out he's dyslexic where as he may never have found out before!

Luckily we don't have any children (yet) so it's only myself and the hubby gettng frustrated by the whole process, although I must admit so many friends and family members seem confused why the process takes so long and we struggle to make them realise how much effort and work is involved so I don't envy you having to explain it to children!

Where abouts in Melbourne do you rhink you'll settle? I have an uncle in Williamstown who we lived with for 4 months of our trip when we were working and we loved it there - really nice slightly upmarket suburb with a beach and not too far by train to commute to the CBD, however, it's the heat that we love and the winters in Melbourne are damn cold so that's why we're heading to the Gold Coast instead x

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Hi, thanks for your kind words. We are looking at Bayside, not that we know much about it only what we have read. We lived in Sydney (paddington) before, we did love it, but I feel Melbourne is more family friendly for us. But I do understand what your saying about the weather! Keep me informed on how your move is going, I wish you luck. If your ever in Melbourne message me and we can catch up if you want? :-). Take care jx Oh and CONGRATULATIONS :-)))


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PasteyPoms I sure will be in Melbourne at regular intervals visiting family and friends so a catch up would be really nice - thanks! I'm not sure I have heard of Bayside but if you haven't already I would definately check out Williamstown! Take care and thanks for all your advice - good luck too, we'll chat soon I'm sure :-) x

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