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Guaranteed job companies?


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Hi guys,


Me and my partner are to go travelling next year.. First stop oz.

We will need to work and have been looking at the companies that offer guaranteed jobs are these recommended? If so which ones have people used?

We are thinking we would rather pay extra for the assurance of getting a job than having to cut our trip short because we can't find work.

Any feedback would be great!



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Most is farm work the fee's usually involve induction course and assistance completing applications for things like bank accounts, tax file numbers, medical cards etc also airport pick up with first few days hostel included and then the guaranteed jobs at the end..

some of them are quite pricey though which I wouldn't mind as long as they do what they say but that's why I def want to look into more before handing any money over.

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Thanks for the feedback.

We want to do farm work to qualify for the 2nd year whv does anyone know if being a couple makes finding this type of work more difficult? From what I can gather this can be in remote locations so we'd need to get work in the same place.

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Thanks for the feedback.

We want to do farm work to qualify for the 2nd year whv


Fine, but you don't need to do farm work for the whole period of your WHV. Farm work tends to be in isolated places which will restrict your ability to see the rest of Oz. If you have any skills, you'll be far better off arriving in a big city and signing up with a temp agency to start with. When I was working, most of our temp staff were backpackers. Or you can look for waitressing or bar work.

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Hey Cheska, I have worked in the backpackpacking industry for 4 years and I would advise you to do your own research. No one can guarantee you a job. All they will probably do is provide you with phone numbers of possible employers. Farm work is never easy but if you don't need lots of money then look at Woofing. Places like Coffs Harbour have blueberry picking which is not great but normally has a lot of ongoing work. Places like work and travel in Sydney although not perfect are reasonably priced to help you get things like bank accounts etc.

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