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For anyone who is pregnant on temporary visa


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Hi there


i know this had come up a few times so I thought I would share my experience. I became pregnant on a 457 visa and applied for PR whilst pregnant (186) but this was not granted until after my baby was born. I made the decision not to have the X-ray whilst pregnant so the visa couldn't be processed until after delivery. I was advised that I would not be entitled to any Centrelink benefits. However - I put the application in anyway as I thought I could appeal any rejection. I sent supporting info etc letter from immigration saying X-ray in pregnancy is not advised. Anyway, my paid parental leave has been granted. Along with family tax credit!


So if anyone is in a similar position and anxious about going the X-ray while pregnant to speed up the process - all is not lost and you may still be able to get the allowances if you decide to wait until after baby is born.

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Oh yes my Partner being Aussie would have made us eligible for family tax benefits as minuscule as that amount is!! The PPL however was entirely based on my employment situation and residency status.


How long now Blossom or is your baby now here??

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I've got 16 weeks left to go. Hoping it might be a bit sooner as baby is pressing on my kidneys and causing some issues. :-/



Oh no sorry to hear that! Well I'm sure you're in very good hands - I ended up with an emergency C/S and could not have asked for better care from the public system. And of course it's all worth it when you finally meet your little one. I'm clucky for my next already yikes! Good luck!!xx

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That's great news I was in the same situation and didn't bother applying... Did you just get a letter from your doctor? Do you know if the same applies when applying for a passport for bub? Our daughter doesn't get citizenship as we were not PR when she was born

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