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Moving to Launceston in early October - any meet up for coffee groups to make friends?


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Lived in UK for years and same amount of years in Brisbane and Gold Coast. Went back to

UK for 11 months last year (loved it) and returned to Sunshine Coast on April 1st this year to be near my daughter and sons for 6 months. Now have to move to Tasmania when this lease is up as my closest friend from school days back in England has cancer. New start again. I cannot find any social groups to meet people in Launceston! Looked at Meet Up and done a lot of googling but other than sports or singles groups there is nothing! Here at Sunshine Coast we have so many on line groups on FB plus vey active Meet Up group. Where do I start?

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, My wife and I are also moving to Launceston area in Oct/Nov depending how the surf is on our journey South.


We have never really been 'club joining' people but once we arrive we're planning on going to some of the meet ups for the many social clubs in town. We have found a couple running clubs and a 'adventure club' (hiking, biking, kayaking etc) we are hoping that these will be a good place to meet like minded people as moving to the Sunshine Coast we found that people in our age bracket (39) are rather reserved when it comes to acepting new people. (That's my polite way of saying that the general man on the street was antisocial)

Have you had a look at simular clubs etc for your interests? If so how did you get on?


Seeing as the whole country only has 510k people and only a bout 100,000 live in Launceston I am sure we'll bump into you soon. Good luck with the move.


Cheers J

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ha ha, we are at the Sunshine Coast now too, how strange. Seems our plans might not work out for Tassie unfortunately as we were going for a person who is ill but who now hopes to move to NSW in January and that would be in the middle of a lease for us if we move to Lonnie. I find the people here the same as you!

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  • 3 months later...
Well we are living in Lonnie! At Yountown. Loving it. How are you going jonathoncowen?



Hiya, we're doing rather well too! Got here 2 weeks ago on Thursday, have brought a house but waiting for settlement so still camping and have adopted a rescued dog.

In short we are loving it :-)

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  • 1 year later...

Hi There everyone.


Came across this thread so have joined with the idea of possibly making social contact with someone and welcoming them to this lovely place to live. As you might see from my profile I'm a born and bred Tasweigian with relatives here, in the UK and USA but am currently living in the same area first settled and named by my great great grandfather when he emigrated here from England nearly 200 years ago.


My wife and I are both in our 80's but have few commitments so are looking for more social contact - canasta playing in particular. For years we played once a week with friends in Launceston, alternating at their place then ours, playing to the accompaniment of nice music + nice wine with nibbles. Unfortunately their health problems have caused a cessation of play with them so we are looking for others.


I should add my lovely wife is suffering from early dementia so I do have another reason to seek social activity. She can still play Canasta quite well but could not cope with learning Bridge, a game much more popular.


But regardless of the cards, get in touch if you would like to make contact with this old Tassie fogie!!



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

Hi Tassie Devil

Came across you post and read with interest.  It's not often you see inquiries from 80 year olds which we will be in a few months time.

At present we live in France and have been here for 13 years.  Our little family live on the mainland, Melbourne and Cairns.  We are originally

from the uk but lived in Aus for over 50 years before leaving for europe.  Now we want to come back.  I'm sad to see your beloved wife

suffers from dementia.  A worry for you.  Do you have family nearby?   Did you find someone to play cards?  It's a funny old world and many people are lonely.  We find that in France and in the wintertime it is horrible.  Everyone closes their shutters and hibernates  I've recently invited  a few people into our house to form a french conversation group which is proving most enjoyable and stimulating.  Most important to keep the old grey matter intact!

All the best

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Hi Libbye

Thanks for your note and expressions of empathy.  Yes we have my eldest son and family not too far away but their lives are busy with growing teenages so we only see the whole family about once a month although my son does come here to help me with more strenuous outside work from time to time.  And my daughter comes up from Hobart, 200km away, from time to time so we also enjoy herr visits.

Unfortunately my wife's dementia (not Altzheimer's but the net result is similar) is slowly progressing so comprehension is now more challenging with dates and times for events and appointments often confused.  We often enjoy a game of canasta with the aforementioned rellies so I've been playing two handed with her to mainstain her skills but to answer your question, no, no one has come here to play as a result of my earlier post.

We are fortunate here in Australia that there are many caring Government services available to help with people in our position but those services have grown like Topsy and are not co-ordinated so navigating them can be challenging and frustrating at times. They involve a big bureaucracy so are ending up expensive to the public purse for what is the end product for the consumer.  But I guess it keeps employment levels up!!!

As medical discoveries progress, more and more of us are going into our 80s with various ailments with associated costs.  Just how much individuals and the Governments can continue to fund is a big question, particularly when there is such a distaste to for increased taxation to pay for it.  Not a personal concern but one for the upcoming seniors!!!

Enjoy your retirement and travel while you are willing and able.

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