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Hi all

We had our first meeting with a migration agent yesterdayand he has recommended I take the IELTS. I am a software developer and have about 10 years of experience but theagent said it can be funny how they work out your experience on the skills assessmentso he has advised to go for the IELTS to boost our score.

English is not my strong point at all and I am dyslexic,this is one of the reasons I went into I.T. I think I will be ok on most parts but I am really worried about thewriting section. Has anyone alreadytaken this test and if so can you give any pointers or any links to any helpwould be great.

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Hi, hear is a blog I posted a while ago, send the ielts company your dyslexia report and they will give you extra time, however they don't allow for more than average spelling mistakes. Me and my partner are dyslexic I know what your going through I do feel for you, but just remember keep on practicing x



My OH sat the ielts test 4 times until he passed, he needed all 8's and he's a carpenter, plus over 40! It was the writing task he struggled with, he kept on missing out be 0.5 or 1 mark, this test really did ware him down. Anyway after his 3rd attempt he said to me it was the timings were a problem and spellings so he thinks he knows where he was going wrong as he was rushing on writing task 2. I said "its a shame I cannot sit it for you" and he just laughed and said 'you have got no hope your worse than me beings as you have dyslexia' ( cheers then lol) and he was right ( for once lol) Then it made us think has he???? So he sat a private dyslexia test £500 later and he was! So I contacted the IELTS test center sent them proof ( which was a 30 page report) and they gave him 50% extra time on reading, writing and 10 mims extra time on preparation for his speaking. Guess what he got, 9 in speaking, 8.5 reading, 9 in listening and an 8 in writing :-))) I'm sooooo proud of him he worked so hard and practiced so much. For the people out there struggling don't give up it's your dream pratice, paratice, pratice. Also years ago kids weren't tested for dyslexia, so if your struggling it might be worth investigating. Good luck xx


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Thanks for the advice Pastey.

As I am 36 I have never been officially tested for dyslexiaas you said it wasn’t a done thing when I was a kid but I have all thetraits. I could see the same in my oldestwho is now 12 and had to push and push his school to get him tested for years. We ended up moving him to a different school inthe end and they picked it up straight away.

I just think the writing section will be the hardest topractise for as I haven’t got anyone to mark it so don’t know if I’m doing itcorrect. The other section have plentyof practice material with answers so they should be a problem.

I just feel our move to Oz all depends on what score I canget on this. If it was a maths test I wouldbe laughing.

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Hi Boldie,


We didn't realise my OH had it either, the only way to prove to ielts was to pay for a private test (£500!!) I know it's a lot of money but with out this you won't get any longer time. I think it's really wrong their is no leeway with spellings, as this is what most dyslexics struggle with. My oh had to get 8's in all areas, what do you need?? I think you should sit the test and see what your score is , as you might surprise yourself. If you don't do very well then get extra tuition online (Skype) or one to one. My partner went to classes for a few mths for ielts which did help a bit. They have brought out the new rules for visas today have you checked to see if the score for ielts has changed?? My partner had 50% extra time on the writing task which helped a lot, as he was able to check his work and plan more. To be honest, the speaking was the other one he was concerned about, as he is quite shy when speaking out aloud and especially if it's a subject he's not familiar with. Are you going on your own or with a partner? If with partner can you go on their skill, then they can sit the test??? Have you mentioned to your agent your concerns? I know it's going to be tough, but I'm sure you can do it :-))

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What kind of score are you required to get for your IELTS? I recently sat it, and as English always was my worst subject at school, failed at the first hurdle! I scored a 7 in my writing and 8's and 9's in everything else! I needed all 8's!!!


I'm a chef at a public school, and enlisted the help of one of the teachers there, who gave me 3 two hour lessons on my writing, and law and behold I passed 2nd time. scoring 8, 8, 9, 9.

A lot of what he told me was think about what you are writing, and don't use the same word over and over use synonyms and antonyms and display a wide variety or vocabulary and you should be fine.


Don't Worry!

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I have dsylexia and completed the test with no problems i needed to get at least a 7 and did so with no worries. I think you will be fine just look at the practise questions before you go for the big day. Good luck

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