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I'm sorry this is going to be such a negative post, but I really need to vent.


I have a history of depression from my early 20's and I haven't had a re-occurrence since then (I'm 37) but I really feel like my anxiety is starting to creep back again. I'm becoming increasingly more homesick and starting to dislike Oz more and more. Every day I think about how my life used to be before I came here - I was happy, lovely friends, nice job and my family around me and now I just feel trapped and stifled. I seem to just exist here and I hate it so much.


I want to go home so badly. I was hoping to go for Christmas but we just can't afford it. My oh knows I'm homesick but I don't think he realises to what extent because I don't like to make him feel any worse for bringing me here. Him being Australian means I'm stuck here for God knows how long and I don't know if I can handle it.


Been here 4 years next month so don't think I'm going to 'settle'. Don't think I'm slating Australia, I'm not, it's just not where I want to be.


Thanks for listening!

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I'm sorry this is going to be such a negative post, but I really need to vent.


I have a history of depression from my early 20's and I haven't had a re-occurrence since then (I'm 37) but I really feel like my anxiety is starting to creep back again. I'm becoming increasingly more homesick and starting to dislike Oz more and more. Every day I think about how my life used to be before I came here - I was happy, lovely friends, nice job and my family around me and now I just feel trapped and stifled. I seem to just exist here and I hate it so much.


I want to go home so badly. I was hoping to go for Christmas but we just can't afford it. My oh knows I'm homesick but I don't think he realises to what extent because I don't like to make him feel any worse for bringing me here. Him being Australian means I'm stuck here for God knows how long and I don't know if I can handle it.


Been here 4 years next month so don't think I'm going to 'settle'. Don't think I'm slating Australia, I'm not, it's just not where I want to be.


Thanks for listening!


I don't think there is anything negative about your post Sarahelle, from what I read of posts on this and the other forum this is something that is happening now with alarming frequency. I do believe when you are married to or with someone from the other country and want to take them home with you one needs to realise that it might not work for them. In your case as was similar with mine. The spouse has to realise that their partner has no past in their country and as much as your life with them is to be cherished one runs the risk of all not being well.


This is something I feel that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later and that it is a problem for both of you and not only the one that feels unsettled.



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I agree re speaking to your husband, I'm sure he would hate for you to be so unhappy. Have you spoken to a counsellor at all? It might be a good idea both in terms of having an outlet and to hopefully prevent depression developing again.


I'm sorry you are going through this, it can be very isolating to be away from home, more so in Australia I think due to the tyranny of distance.


Can an anyone from home come and visit you?

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Thank you for your advice lovely people. Sorry for the delay, time gets away from me with a little one.


Well my OH and I have talked about it and agree that we will move back eventually. Everything is kind of hanging in the balance at the moment as to whether we're able to move back or not - if we have the money or if maybe somewhere along the line, the rules get relaxed making it easier for people with non EU spouses to move back to their homeland.


Mum and Dad have been over but I'm really hankering for a visit to the UK as well. I guess I'll just have to suck it up for the time being and hopefully save for a decent length holiday back home :)


Thanks guys x

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's great that you had a talk and that your OH is open to moving back.


Is the situation that you have to have a job in the UK paying a certain amount in order to 'sponsor' your husband?


Sorry Aunt A, I missed this! Yes, I'd have to go to the UK and get a job for six months or whatever, which I wouldn't have minded doing - what's a few months in the long run? But now I have a 10 month old daughter and I would hate to deprive her and her daddy from being together.


I guess we'll see what happens.

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