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Skilled Independent Visa - Acceptable form of evidence - TRADIES


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I am looking into the skilled visa.


But running into a few initial problems and need some advice..


I am a skilled painter, with no qualifications, just "life experience" so to speak. I am aware I will have to undergo a course or get my skills recognised.


However PROBLEM..


My previous employer does not have "official letter headed paper"


nor is he still in business


nor did he pay me with payslips, was all cash in hand although I was through the books (paid tax etc)


So I am wondering if a letter without "official letter headed paper" is acceptable signed from him and if a copy of my national insurance contributions from the time worked with him would be acceptable forms of evidence...



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Umm im not sure, hubby didnt have paper qualifications and the company he did train with had closed down long ago, however we tracked down one of the old bosses who wrote a statement on his 'new' company's letter headed paper and it was accepted. I know rules change all the time and this was a few years ago but hopefully someone will be along soon with more advice.


Cal x

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We have come across a very similar situation. My OH is a bricklayer, he completed his nvq2 but for the last 12 years subcontracted always has cash in hand no payslips. He still pays tax and has his end of year books but nothing to financially link him to a company. As many tradies work for loads of different contractors i think its often next to impossible to track them all down. My OH have listed the main companies hes worked for who are all happy to give him glowing references and he can provide his end of year books.


Most of the info you get is either for self employed or employed and its quiet difficult for all tradies to find the middle man. I have stressed about this evidence so much that it has set me back a good year.


However i come to the conclusion to use go matilda migration who are so helpful and just take it step by step. They deal with tradies all the time who are faced with similar situations plus they are only going to submit something they know has a strong likelyhood of passing.


Everyone I have spoke to about this always says theres nothing to worry about because you can always provide a statutory declaration in place of the wage slips. Good luck!!

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Hi there yes we had si,liar problem OH plasterer self employed. We did stat decs and also got 9 references in total of previous jobs (two of them were off regular builders he does work for and in letterhead) we also got a letter from our accountant and sent his tax records and ni contributions for last 12 years! I'd order these now as they can take upto 12 weeks to get you just need to make a subject access request to tax office I"ll try and find the link and send it you on. Basically get as much info as you can as they are quite strict! I sent tax certs, yellow images ads, references even receipts for building materials!

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