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190 visa lodged April 2014

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Hi all....

We lodged our 190 visa on 23/4/14....

ive been eagerly following the feb 190 posts but as they're a few months ahead of us I thought it might be helpful to start a new thread....

has anyone had any updates on their April lodged 190 visa?? Or even received the dreaded 'delay email'??

We have literally heard nothing at all. We front loaded our medicals and police checks so hoping that speeds up the process...

hubby's trade is a lift mechanic...

we are desperately hoping to be gone during the summer holidays, I think this can be done!!!

Looking forward or hearing others thoughts and experiences.

mel and adam ?

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No news is good news from what I can tell from others! You possibly won't hear from a case officer until the grant email. We were also keen to move asap but have to be realistic and instead we're planning a recce for Sept. We lodged a little after you in the first week of a May. We haven't heard a peep apart from the request for a 1221 form. Everything is uploaded and now we wait.... In the meantime I'm focusing on any prep work I can do to help us move quickly. Good luck!

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Thanks for your reply...

july has come round fairly quick and I am just praying that we are granted in the next few weeks... We are hoping that we won't be here in September because our children would need to change school (from middle to upper school) and I think it would be too much change for them. Seriously keeping fingers, toes and anything else crossed!!!

We would have loved to have had a chance for a recce but decided it was too expensive and would just slow the actual migrating process down for us...

we too are taking this time to get prepared - selling up the mountains of belongings we seem to have collected over the years and finding out about renting our house out. We decided not to sell up but to keep our house in the uk and rent it out which will cover the mortgage.

What part of oz are you going to? We're off down south to adelaide

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It has indeed! I just said this morning that it's 1st July today, so hopefully that means things should get moving! Fingers crossed! We live in Malaysia, so a recce is much easier from here. We're weighing it up versus the chance of my OH finding work quickly. His background is IT Management so it could take him some time to find the right job and we don't want to be eating into out savings too much. We're hoping he can line up some interviews for our recce or at least get back in front of the headhunters we already know. We're heading to NSW, so Sydney! I absolutely love it there but setting up home won't be cheap. We're hoping to move by early next year. Out eldest daughter is 4, so school years are less of a problem for us. I have friends here from Adelaide and they tell me how great and family friendly it is there. I hope you can move over summer. I know it's not ideal moving the kids in the middle of school years but if they are excited about the move they will probably adapt quickly if you have to go later. We've been expats for 9 years and I've seen how adaptable kids can be, fondant worry too much!


I've found some great websites to help with the planning process if you want any extra help!

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Thanks! We have friends in Sydney and family in Avalon so we have a fair idea on neighbourhoods. Of course everyone has their own opinion on where is best and most affordable for them. I personally love the idea of going north but we need to balance it with commute times as we have young kids and my OH likes being home in the evenings to see them for dinner time.


Where do you live? Which neighbourhoods would you recommend north of Sydney?

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