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ACS Employment Reference problem


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Hi All,


I graduated as a Computer Engineer in 2012 and currently working towards my MPhil at the University of Sydney. I have a unique problem with my employment reference.


I was employed for around 4 years by a Man Power Consultancy company as a Software Engineer. I worked for 20 hours which ACS seems to consider full time and my duties were to develop their ERP system components, CRM systems, and report generating systems. I developed these from the scratch over a period of two years and was maintaining the software for the rest of the time.


My question is this, since the company is not a software vendor, can I use this experience to fulfill my suitability criteria? The company is willing to give me an employment reference letter with the specifics of what I did for them including the job titled as Software Engineer.


Please help me clarify this problem!


Thanks a lot in advance!

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Company type of business do not matter, as long as your position was IT related it should be ok.


ACS had no objection to validate my reference letter even if my employer main type of business is accounting.

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Yes, I cannot see what the problem is, I have a 15 year IT career and have never once worked for a software vendor, i have working primarily within the in-house software dev teams at Financial Services companies.

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Depending when the job took place in relation to the end of your studies, you may not get any points for it anyway. But as stated the sector the company is in should have no bearing on the outcome of a skills assessment -- it is the duties that you perform that matter.

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Thank you very much everyone! That cleared my doubts. I only want this to be counted to meet the suitability criteria of the degree assessment. If that is successful, I will have 55 points in the skillselect and thinking of trying to get a state sponsorship or do my IELTS again and get 8+ for all four sections.


Thanks again!

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