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Have just applied for 143 contributory parent visa


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after some last minute wobbles finally sent off the docs to PVC in Perth. Having great fun watching DHL processing our document parcel. Has now left Heathrow.......From what I can gather it's now a long waiting game. :arghh:

Any other parents recently applied? We will be going to Mornington Peninsular so would be good to know of other parents in the area.

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Hi juliew1499, we too have just sent our 143 app this week, it arrived in Perth Tuesday morning (my son sent it on from Sydney for us, once adding his sponsor form) - going to Sydney so nowhere near to you, but we will no doubt have a similar timeline. How exciting and nervewracking this is going to be!! And a looooong wait before we even receive an acknowledgement from what I understand. It'd be good to see how our applications progress, and others too will hopefully join :-) I guess we'll be quiet for a while? and saving... :-)

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Hi our CPV visa took 16 months to go through, granted October 2013. We've lived on the Mornington Peninsula for nearly 6 years and never looked back, we miss friends and relatives but not the UK weather or traffic, good luck with your visa, the non contributary visa has now been closed so only the expensive route for parents available now.



after some last minute wobbles finally sent off the docs to PVC in Perth. Having great fun watching DHL processing our document parcel. Has now left Heathrow.......From what I can gather it's now a long waiting game. :arghh:

Any other parents recently applied? We will be going to Mornington Peninsular so would be good to know of other parents in the area.

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I've just sent my forms for the 143 visa to my agent and he'll be submitting all the paperwork to Perth early next week. Last minute scramble to get everything together just in case the application fee goes up on 1st July. At the moment I'm considering the Geelong area but there's plenty of time for change of mind, as I'm not expecting anything much to happen for a good while yet!

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Excellent news Julie, such a relief once that initial step is taken, and good to know we are not alone :-) Time to relax a little while, before all the really hard work kicks in - I'm going to keep an eye on the thread suggested by Bridgeman too, must be lots of us out there! and more now that 1 July is creeping up so quickly. I am truly gutted for anyone who was going to lodge the non-contributory parent visa and can no longer go that route. Feeling very fortunate right now. I'll definitely update when our acknowledgement is received, which seems likely around autumn. Keep us updated, and in the meantime, let's enjoy the summer we are having here so far this year !! :smile:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, we would like to join in with this thread, we (Paul and Linda) sent our app via our son, who sent to the PVC by courier, they were signed for on 15th June 2014, we haven't heard anything yet so we as you are playing the waiting game, by the way we are both 50, our son is a policeman in mandurah Perth, we are from stoke, staffordshire.

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Hi Paul and Linda


it's so good to know there are other parents out there going through the same hoops. We (Mike and I) live in Cornwall and we are finding it difficult to leave all the quaint villages and history behind. We are off to Oz for 7 weeks this winter and will be doing some serious research as to where we want to live. have found NAB and Moneycorp to be extremely helpful and we now have a NAB. Account that we can use when we go this winter and we will be all set up for banking before we emigrate. Another tick on the list of things to do. Why on earth does it take so long for PVC to acknowledge receipt of the docs - it doesn't give me any confidence in them at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey everybody ,

we (me and mother) too applied for the subclass 143 .. my brother lodged the application in perth on 17/04/2014 (almost 3months ago)..just got the TAX INVOCE/RECIEPT yet nothing else :huh:..just read on internet processing time should be 16-18 months.. just waiting for the response, any mail or contact by department ... it would be good to be in touch with you all and see how others applications going :err:

ill update my application status up to date too

best wishes to u aal :smile:


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