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Where to take citizenship test?

Guest Guest64761

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Guest Guest64761

Hi friends, I am applying for Australian citizenship soon.


On the application, it asks which city council I would like to take the test and ceremony in (separate dates/milestones in the whole process). As I am a FIFO worker I am not really attached to any city in particular and can get the company to send me anywhere for the test.


I used to live in Brisbane and still have a PO box to collect mail every few months but that's the only attachment I have.


The problem is, my partner has also applied for citizenship but listed Brisbane as her local city council, and they are just overwhelmed with citizenship applications that their current wait period far exceeds the DIAC client standard. It has been close to 18 months since first application and they keep going back and forth and back and forth about when her ceremony will be so I would really rather not have to deal with Brisbane. I pretty much would be willing to travel anywhere in the country for the quickest processing time as this will least impact my company if I can just get this nightmare of a process over with the sooner the better.


Does anyone know any quick city councils in terms of citizenship tests and ceremonies?



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