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State Sponsorship query


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I have a total of 4 years of expierence in Networking IT. I got my acs around 6 months back.


My question is, Am i eligible for State sponsorship for victoria under 263111 (Computer Network ans Systems Engineer). They need a minimum of three years of expierence.


Although, i have 4 years of expierence but as per ACS the first two years wont be counted.


is that applicable here as well ?



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My understanding is that you need three years of work experience in Victoria for your occupation.




It's also my understanding that just like for points, your work experience is only counted after qualification, and as ACS takes two years of your experience for skills assessment, you are only "qualified" after ACS recognises you to be qualified. So, put simply, thanks to ACS you only have two years of work experience for the purposes of being sponsored by Victoria.

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