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What came first for you?


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Having made the decision to apply for a 189 visa, over the last 2 months I have taken to reading many of the posts and information on this site as well as researching about life in OZ and whether it really will offer us a good or at least comparative standard of living. It is almost overwhelming how much there is to consider and I'm not even talking about the move itself or the application. Weighing up the cost of living, likely salaries, house prices, taxation, pensions, childcare, schooling, transportation, health services to name just a few…:arghh:



It feels so overwhelming at times - I wonder if there is ever too much research that can cloud why you wanted to make the move in the first place!


I guess what i'm interested to know is, what came first for you? Head or Heart and what sealed your decision to do it?

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It was both for us, I am the heart in the move, DH is the head. I have always wanted to go, DH has taken longer to come around I guess because of things you have mentioned in the OP.


DH is happy as we are moving to another first world country per se, with good medical systems and schools, possibly not free but still good. His wages seem comparable, the housing seems comparable. Yes some things may be more expensive but others will be cheaper so it will probably balance out. Will we have the exact same things we have in the UK, no. But thats not the point. If we wanted exactly what we have here in the UK then we would stay in the UK.


So for us I guess the heart is the driver in it (with a few rough sums from the head to check its plausible).


To a degree you need to let go of the will we have the exact same lifestyle there thoughts as thats where people tend to fall down when they get to Oz. Some people have better lifestyles some have slightly worst. Its where you need to be able to figure out what you can live with and can not live without.


Above all of that though its a great big leap of faith as lets face it moving around the world is scary and exciting all at the same time :wubclub:

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It was heart for me , if we had gone with husbands head we would have never come


It is hard and no one can ever prepare you for it there is so much involved including so many emotions as well as all the practical stuff


That is the reason we started our business to help people find out the real honest truth and make sure they make the right decision to suit all the family , we ended up in Sydney but if we had known all the facts back then it would have been Melbourne , that would have been a better fit for our family



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Head pretty much every time. Only moved because there was a better opportunity (concrete) where we were moving to (never went anywhere chasing that nebulous dream stuff!) and moved back because circumstances changed and it was the right thing to do at the time. I was definitely right for a move by then, had come to loathe Australia but until that point it wasn't pragmatic to move.

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