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Hi there :)


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Hello there!

I'm 22 and i'm from Scotland and I'm starting to look at the possibility of hoping to move to Australia one day! I was over for a month last year and absolutely loved it ; would love to be there for longer than just a month!

It was Albury I visited :)

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Hello :)!

I think the WHV would be the best option atm as I don't think my current job nor my degree are something which would actually get me anywhere unfortunately which is a shame! Completely clueless atm :o

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It's an honours Degree in Broadcasting mainly specialising in Radio Production. It was a degree that could have been spun onto specialist Media Studies teaching but I decided not to go down that route :) Going to have a nosey at the whv stuff just now :)

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Hello Ryan and welcome to the Forum. Any questions, just ask if you can't find the answer already. WHV is a great idea to give you a starting point.


Thanks for the welcome :)

Just been reading through the past few hours!

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