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driving test tips


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Because my license is C-A(automatic only), I am going to sit a practical driving test at Midland driving centre in Aug (which was the earliest day when I booked last week!).


I am driving an automatic for about 5 years now, and my partner bought a MT car. I can drive it with L plate and get used to drive MT car, but now I need to know how the test goes on the day.

My original license was not from Aus, so I never take a driving test here.


so now... I have some questions about the test day...


1: Am I asked some car mechanic questions? for example " how do you know if the tail light work?" "how do you check engine oil?"


2: when you stop your car at red light, can I put my gear in neutral? or I have to stay on 1st gear all the time?


3: when you find a traffic light change to yellow-red, you can put your gear into neutral (i.e. 4th gear - neutral) and stop? I heard that coasting is no no in some states (NSW)


4: skipping gear (2 to 4th or 5th to 3rd etc) is ok at the test?




Many thanks :)

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Guest Guest66881

No coasting anytime,besides being no good for your car it's a dangerous practice.

As for missing gears out, i would just go through the box as normal it will show your examiner that you are competent at using the manual box, you could say you would be showing confidence in the right situation to up shift (miss gears out) but i would go with the later on a test.


Test day questions, depends on the examiner really most just get you to do the test set out by the industry sometimes you get chatty examiners i think they are trying to catch you out via poor observational skills, so don't be chatty on test day, talk a little when asked maybe.


Always go to neutral at lights and apply hand brake again this shows the examiner you are in control at all times, besides it also demonstrates hand brake pull away maneuver.


Try and anticipate the lights changing on approach slow down slightly to catch them on the change using brakes and gears accordingly, again shows road savy and car control.


Above all just try and relax, smile and be polite (don't wear lippy it doesn't work):wink:


Good luck.

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Really quite surprised/shocked at some of the op's questions, was a long time ago since I did my test though, but helped teach the kids between then and now and some things like the op asks never entered the equation, gears are forward 1,2,3 & 4 (+ 5 or 6) they are numbered for a reason, and you should always be in a gear if the car is moving!

good luck with the test anyway.

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Guest Guest66881
Really quite surprised/shocked at some of the op's questions, was a long time ago since I did my test though, but helped teach the kids between then and now and some things like the op asks never entered the equation, gears are forward 1,2,3 & 4 (+ 5 or 6) they are numbered for a reason, and you should always be in a gear if the car is moving!

good luck with the test anyway.


I agree, OP must have bad nerves about the whole test thing?

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Guest Guest66881
I didnt realise you were stuck driving autos forever, I thought after you had held a auto licence for a certain time, you were automatically able to drive manuals as they presumed this would be an easy pick up seeing you have been driving for years.



Manual pass to drive either, auto pass means you will need to sit a manual test as other factors come into play when using manual gearboxes a clutch for one.

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Must be different in WA, here in vic (lifted from VICROAD)


A - automatic transmission

If you do your probationary licence test in a vehicle with automatic transmisson, you can only drive vehicles with automatic transmission during your probationary period. There will be an 'A' printed on your licence card.

At the end of the probationary period, you can drive vehicles with manual transmission without having to do another driving test provided the condition is not required due to a disability.

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thanks for reply :)


That was shocking to me as well that you can get manual license in other states!!

However, i was actually told that C-A (auto only) license from my original country can be removed when I convert the license here... it depends on which state you are in I suppose.

But driving AT and MT is totally different (to me anyway), people should have training for both tho.


Also, some countries can't convert their license straightaway, need to sit a driving test etc etc...


another 3 months to go, I need to fix my bad habits (no indicator when you get out from a round about etc) and have confidence for the test :)

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Don't worry you'll be fine! .......That being said I failed twice, once for not knowing the speed limit when randomly asked (inner city so had to be 50) and once for the instructor having to intervene haha.


I've always been such a careful driver as well, nerves sure can get the best of you sometimes.


But that being said none of the questions were technical, you just do the theory, get in the car (drive, parallel park, 3 point turn etc...), and then do the hazards test which is very, very easy so don't worry!




Note: I took my WA driving test in 2009, so some aspects may have changed since then.

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