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In need of a few new mates! (Manly)

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Hi! Just returned back from a 5 week trip to the Uk and feeling the effects of not having all your family and friends you've know your whole life around you! I've been here for 4 years and I love it! ive met some amazing people but all who have slowly left and all though I know lots of people im missing those girlfriends you just click with. I'm 27, single, really into my health and fitness, love shopping, trying out new bars, movies all the norm really. Would love to make some new mates so i can really call this home! if anybody fancies a meet up let me know, oh I'm in Manly and work in North Sydney :)

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Hi Kate,


I'm in a similar boat and would be interested to meet up. I'm 32 and moved to Sydney last July with my boyfriend. Loving the Oz lifestyle but like you am feeling like I could do with a few more friends to enjoy it with.


I'm North shore too - Neutral Bay to be precise. I enjoy drinks, dinners and just generally exploring everything Sydney has to offer.


Let me know if you fancy meeting up sometime, Suze

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