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Shipping a CAR question ???


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firstly i would like to opolojise if this topic has been covered before but i cant seem to find any information relative to my question.


as i understand it a motor vehicle cannot be imported into Australia unless you are a permanant resident and have a fixed address in australia.


My question is this :-


I am looking at buying my dream car "Ford Escort Cosworth" but seeing as i am moving out this year i will only be buying the car this year and as far as i know the vehicle in question has to have been owned in the host country by myself for a period of 12 months continuesly .

What i am wondering is ....... is there a way i can get the vehicle out to australia once i have a permanant residency ,knowing full well that i wouldnt have owned the car for the 12 month period in the UK ?


I hope i have explained it so you can all understand :/

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"owned and used" the car i think is the correct phrase............and if you have not.......... you face customs who could in theory take the car I imagine. In my opinion not worth the risk unless you have money to burn.

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