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Engineering web sites?

Guest Cookie

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We are hoping to move to Adelaide in march 06 and wondered if anyone has any info on weather it is too early to start looking for work in the engineering field? Employment web sites would be most helpful.

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Evening and welcome,


Your first port of call on the engineering side of things would be http://www.seek.com.au - loadsa jobs!


What sort of engineer are you as I'm also an engineer probably settling in Perth, Adelaide or Melbourne.


What was Adelaide like, never been but should be visiting towards the end of this year. :D

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Afternoon Tim thanks for the web site, I am a marine engineer, technician. We spent last summer over in Adelaide and really enjoyed it. The place was very cosmopolitan aand very clean. The house prices were very appealing too!!

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i'm a Naval Architect/Marine structures by trade and really need to be located in either Adelaide, Perth or Melbourne - Anywhere where there is shipbuilding.


How was the work front out there?


Who do you work for in the UK? Vospers?


One week to go, no plans where to stay and is now realy real!

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Tim, I am in Royal Navy, and ready to leave after 23 years!! Spoke to loads of people on Adelaide and the work situation looks good. Good luck for the future.

Regards Cookie

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