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I have never used a forum before but having searched for information about moving to Australia, this sight was the most informative. I am a Financial Advisor/ Broker and contacted a local Emigration agency who told me that based on my occupation I would not be suitable for a visa application. He sent me a skills list but my occupation was listed on there so very confused. I seem to be going round in circles on the internet and cant seem to get an answer. Does anyone know of a tried and trusted emigration agency that could help?

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Welcome to the forum. :-)

Go Matilda are very good, as is @ABA and George Lombard.


It might be that your job is on the list but you might not be able to pass the skills assessment. Or if it's on the csol not the sol then you would need a state sponsor, and there may be no states sponsoring that job at the mo.


Good luck.

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Thank you blossom79 & calNgary. My occupation is on the CSOL but not the SOL. I didn't realise that meant I would need a state sponsor. Ok that makes more sense! I will get in contact with some agencies and see what they reckon. First steps :)

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