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Moving to Queensland Dec 2014 - single parent with a 12 year old (help needed!)


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Hi I'm looking at Brisbane and surrounding areas and need lots of help (!). I am a single mother of a 12 year old and we will be moving to Australia in December of this year. I have family who live in Cleveland, Brisbane so my search area for 'livablility' is narrowed down to Brisbane purely for practicality purposes. However, I am investing my life's savings to seek the dream in Oz and as such, would dearly love to live near the sea and have the option of strolling to the sea/beach in the morn and in the evening! I know this is probably a pipe dream but given that I am putting everything into this, I thought I would try!.

Does anyone have any suggestions that could help? I am looking (like 99% of the population!) for a nice area, close to the sea but with activities and community events for my daugther to get involved in. I am very realistic and know that all areas have negative points but as long as there's a positive area or points to be made, then I'm happy. Lifes not perfect and even Summer Bay seems plagued by problems!! lol

Any help would be very gratefully received as it is just me and my daughter and I am feeling slightly overwhelmed!

Many thanks

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I cant help you much on suburbs as we are in a similar situation, in that we are moving to Brisbane in September and don't really know the suburbs!

We have looked at schools we like for our son (16) and working outwards from there - Cleveland is actually one of the suburbs near one of the schools we like. Birkdale, Wellington point, Manly and Wynnum have all come up trumps when I've been asking on here for suburbs.

Good luck with your move!

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