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Finding work in other cities compared to Adelaide?

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My wife and i Hope to be able to make our move to Australia just after Christmas (if not before)....


From the very beginning we identified Adelaide as our destination of choice - For the following reasons.


Climate - Warm/hot but not to wet and not to Humid.


Property Prices - We live on the coast in SE England and don't want to live away from the coast in Australia BUT at the same time our maximum budget for a house would only (likely) be $400.000 -$450.000.

It would seem that you can get a nice(ish) house, relatively close to the city and the countryside and very close to the beach in some suburbs of Adelaide, where this would not be available on our budget in any other city in Australia?


A great place for the kids to grow up - I don't think there is any disputing that Adelaide is a wonderful place for children to enjoy their childhoods.


In the UK we live close to the city (Brighton and Hove) but not in the city, and close to the countryside (south downs) but not in the countryside. As mentioned, we live right by the sea...... Moving to Australia is all about creating a better lifestyle and for me, living in a city or miles away from anywhere and not being near the beach and 'beach life' would be a step backwards - So Adelaide made perfect sense for our budget, and in general.






Having read many threads on the Poms in Adelaide forum - It would appear there is little in the way of work and secure employment, even if we both re-trained or worked 'any job' we could. This then means no mortgage or funds to enjoy life etc, etc.... And thats not a better life.


So my questions are:


1. Is there somewhere else in Australia that meets our criteria and budget but has better job opportunities?


2. Are the job opportunities in Adelaide really that bad - or is it a biased 'internet view'..... To use an analogy: If you search Google for information on Audi A4/A6 cars fitted with a multitronic gearbox you would never ever buy one. Yet my brother works as an Audi service manager and says he very rarely sees issues with the cars fitted with this gearbox, and i owned one and drove it hard and never had any issues with it at all - It's just that nobody goes onto the internet to say " i don't have a problem with my gearbox".

3. Is it a case that all cities and their suburbs in Australia, are suffering from a lack of employment opportunities, and now is not a good time to emigrate?


As a footnote i should perhaps ad that my wife is a Specialist Diabetes Nurse and Diabetes Educator - She would be looking to remain in this line of work.

I am Support Services/Facilities manager but would be happy to explore other options and have thought about doing my HGV licence when we move.



Anyway, i appreciate my post rambles on a little and thanks to those of you that stuck with it and got this far :biggrin:







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I'm from Brighton! (and more recently Lewes) - I do know how the pull of the sea can get to you.... I'll start off by saying I am biased - Adelaide for me is one of my favourite places in Oz - it gets bagged a lot (especially by Australians), but I can't see why, a Mediterranean climate (O.K very hot in summer), lovely beach, proximity to vineyards and hills, lovely architecture and reasonable cost of living - I'm in Brisbane, and if I had a choice (which I didn't) I'd have chosen Adelaide over Brissie - BUT I work in IT, so very few jobs in SA. Your wife does a job (and others more qualified than me could advise better) that I'd think would be in demand anywhere. Your job I'm not so sure. If you can get work, I'd go for it!

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I'm from Brighton! (and more recently Lewes) - I do know how the pull of the sea can get to you.... I'll start off by saying I am biased - Adelaide for me is one of my favourite places in Oz - it gets bagged a lot (especially by Australians), but I can't see why, a Mediterranean climate (O.K very hot in summer), lovely beach, proximity to vineyards and hills, lovely architecture and reasonable cost of living - I'm in Brisbane, and if I had a choice (which I didn't) I'd have chosen Adelaide over Brissie - BUT I work in IT, so very few jobs in SA. Your wife does a job (and others more qualified than me could advise better) that I'd think would be in demand anywhere. Your job I'm not so sure. If you can get work, I'd go for it!




Im in Adelaide too and its a lovely place, but it's fair to say (and i've lived here twice and experienced the same thing) that the job market is fairly tight and a lot goes on who you know. Your wife stands a good chance I reckon, but folk do seem to find that jobs can take a while. I have known 2 families leave recently after trying to settle here, but due to their industry they had to relocate to the east coast. hard to tell really. adelaide is small, networking is very valuable here. get on linkedin for one. try and make contacts before you get here. housing is still reasonable, but adelaide is pricier for some things such as utilities.


it's a lovely place for younger families. the demograph seems to reflect this; raise your kids here, then a lot of said kids leave for the bigger cities. there's a lot of older people too. it's probably the only cheaper city left, but who knows if that will change.

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