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Advices needed on my 189 visa aplication


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I've lodged my EOI as a civil engineer (233211) on 18th April for the 189 with 60 points. First of all, does anyone have an idea if/when my invitation will arrive?


I have as well some concerns regarding the working experience I'm claiming for. I have 3 years and 2 months of experience overseas which leads to the 5 points. It happens that the Engineer Australia assessment cut off 2 months of that experience (apparently with no justification) leaving just with 3 years of experience and in the borderline of the points. I can see 2 likely problems in my application:

- My recommendation letters have slightly different dates from the assessment.

- The assessment outcome expresses my experience as "December 2011 to December 2012" for example which isn't totally clear for counting.


So do you know if the officer will consider the month of December included in this case?? Well... it was really included but I'm afraid I can have some problem for some month lacking!

And how picky are these officers? Do you think that only by the fact of my recommendation letters are claiming a little bit more experience than the one in the assessment will create any problem?


Maybe I'm stressing too much in the waiting time, but I would really appreciate any views on this!



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Does Engineering Australia require work experience as part of skill assessment? I have seen people got rejected because CO only counts experience after being skilled. You should check carefully point.

I wouldn't worry about the date difference, 3 years 2 months or 3 years are essentially the same thing to CO :)

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Does Engineering Australia require work experience as part of skill assessment?


Not necessarily,it helps to give practical examples on the report but it's possible to be recognized without any working experience, I've seen it happening, normally the person is subjected to more inquiries about their report. They assess the experience "after" being skilled separately, if you choose to pay for that extra assessment. There's where they took off those 2 months for some reason...


The point of "overclaiming" experience made me think twice and update my EOI. I read on the immi website after "you must use the date that skilled employment commenced stated in your skills assessment". I prefer then to claim just what the assessment recognized the exact 3 years and not the real one... just in case the officer doesn't suspect I'm trying to claim more than I have... after all the EOI still gives me the 5 points with the dates they presented.


Thanks for your replies! It lead me already to correct that detail...

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