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Any single parents that moved to Oz or thinking of it?


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i am after some advice please, my company have an office out in Oz, i can transfer there if i wish. i am seriously thinking about it, the timing is good for me and there is a good job there for me, i dont really see much of my family and only have the one friend who i see now and again as we both work and have kids, i have two boys 11 and 2 neither of there dads bother with them, don't see them and dont pay for them, i just feel i dont really have much to stay for.


however the finance side of things really worries me, i get help with childcare from tax credit and wouldn't be able to afford to work if i didnt get this help. has any one looked into this that can offer any advice, is there any help like tax credits out there or assistant with paying for childcare and/or schooling? i have been told it all depends on the type of visa i get as to what help i get is that right? whats the difference?


any advice is welcomeicon_biggrin.gif

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Have you checked if you have a job on the SOL or CSOL? Have your employers sponsored before and aware of the full implications of sponsorship in Australia? It has tightened up a lot recently and they may need to prove they cant find and Australian to do the job first.


Have you looked into removal from jurisdiction for the children? You will need permission or the courts agreement for you to emigrate. There are a lot of threads on here that will give you more information about this. If both fathers (I am presuming from your post there are 2) agree then it may be a little easier but if they wont sign then you will have to go to court which can be expensive. I don't know how it would work with children to 2 different fathers, whether you would have to go to court twice?


There are tax credits if you go over on a permanent visa, this visa is initially more expensive though. My family of 5 (2 adults, 3 children) will be almost £5000 plus flights, accommodation etc. I am looking at £12000 to cover the very basics.


I know all this sounds negative, but before you get excited I just wanted to make sure you research all the facts. Then once you have the facts, then its time to start researching the income and expenditure (Affordability).

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Research what type of visa you are eligible for and what part of the country you would move to. Very important details, as otherwise you may find yourself having to pay school fees and not be entitled to any sort of child care benefit.


If you could give some more details that would help people on here give you better advice.


You would also need permission from both of the Fathers to take the children to Australia.

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If you're looking at a company transfer, it will only be possible if your occupation is on the SOL or CSOL but assuming you meet that most basic requirement, make sure that you ONLY come to Australia if you can be sponsored for a permanent visa (186 or 187) from the outset. As a permanent visa holder, you will be eligible for Family Tax Benefits (they're means tested but the test is pretty easy for a single parent to meet) and you are also eligible for fairly substantial assistance with childcare expenses. If you make the mistake of coming on a 457 temporary visa, you will be eligible for NOTHING and in some states (NSW, the ACT and WA for sure and maybe elsewhere) you will even have to pay for tuition for each of your children at government schools.

http://www.immi.gov.au/Work/Pages/skilled-occupations-lists/skilled-occupations-lists.aspx SOL and CSOL

http://www.immi.gov.au/skills/skillselect/ Visas

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If you're looking at a company transfer, it will only be possible if your occupation is on the SOL or CSOL but assuming you meet that most basic requirement, make sure that you ONLY come to Australia if you can be sponsored for a permanent visa (186 or 187) from the outset. As a permanent visa holder, you will be eligible for Family Tax Benefits (they're means tested but the test is pretty easy for a single parent to meet) and you are also eligible for fairly substantial assistance with childcare expenses. If you make the mistake of coming on a 457 temporary visa, you will be eligible for NOTHING and in some states (NSW, the ACT and WA for sure and maybe elsewhere) you will even have to pay for tuition for each of your children at government schools.

http://www.immi.gov.au/Work/Pages/skilled-occupations-lists/skilled-occupations-lists.aspx SOL and CSOL

http://www.immi.gov.au/skills/skillselect/ Visas



thanks everyone, im ready for the court room lol i dont think either dads would stop me from taking them though if im honest.

the office where the job i based is Melbourne and work would help out with a re-location package. this is enough info to get me going for now though so thank you, its been all talk up to now but time to start looking into things properly, i just didnt no where to start x:biggrin:

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You don't always require permission or a court battle. It just depends where you stand 'legally' which can be different depending on circumstances to do with whether names are on birth certificates, what year of birth etc and the law of the jurisdiction in which the child usually resides. In some cases a Stat Dec from a solicitor will suffice....sometimes an expensive court battle...but not always.

All the best of luck...its a very brave decision to make but don't let being a single parent be an obstacle xxx

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I have done the move as a single parent. I came on skilled temporary visa and am not entitled to any help with anything here. We get medicare but it does not include dental. My ex signed a stat dec to give permission to remove the child even though I had custody. The DIAC also chose to dig deeper and interview him personally so be prepared for additional scrutiny.

I came without a job and enough money to survive for 4-6 months. I was lucky as I managed to get the first job I applied for, but it still cost heaps. We shipped our furniture so all up for the visa and the move it was around 14,000 pounds. It is good that you will have a job already if you come as costs mount up quickly.


My son is older so he doesn't need childcare any more but I hear it is expensive here. Would I recommend the experience? hmm


If you want to save money and acquire some financial security, yes.

If you like the beach and the sun, yes.


If you are a city girl like me, no, unless you stay in Melbourne.


Best of luck


Millie x

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