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Just for Aunt Agatha! Xx


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:laugh:. Last night my oh was showing me a talk he did for a conference in Brighton. It was organised by the place he used to work in Melbourne and he had the second pic in that article as one if his first slides to show them that although they have the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House, we have the Tyne Bridge and The Sage! :wink:

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Cheers Helz,


That's class that like....


I'll never forget the first time I went to the Toon from Boro for a weekend to stay with one of the lads that was at Uni there. Sunday night, packed, quid a drink and people having a great time.


Was back 2x years ago and went to one of me favourate boozers, the Vinyard - half way down Grey Street. Same crack, nearly the same cost of drinks and just bloody great. Ended up in a new place near the Theatre that was knockin out craft beers for 3.50 a pint - talking to some old blokes; one of which was an olympic coach back in the day..... Was trying to tell our (Aussie) lass how much I loved the joint, to no avail - interesting how people can be distinctly NOT enthusiatic when it suits them hey......


I used to live that 'lifestyle' dream - surf in the morning at Tynemouth, bag a chips n' gravy and a pie for me lunch from Marshalls, then a coupla scoops in the stuffed dog before gettin on the metro off into the town to chat up lasses. Bloody great.


Bugger it, I'm gonna do a year in Newcastle NSW then go home - ship me ute back and have a right buzz.

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