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Choice of PR visa


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Good afternoon all.


I'm hoping I could get a few opinions to help me make a choice with which PR visa to go for.


Currently I've been working as a civil engineer on a 457 for 20 months and plan to stay for a good while longer so long as there's no drastic changes here, my now wife (married in December) is also on my visa. From research I believe I could go for the 186, 187 or 189 visas yet I am undecided.


My employer would happily nominate me if I wished to go for the 186 or 187, however I would have to wait another 4 months to have done the 2 years work here so I would probably be looking at the 186 to get things going sooner. I also have thought about staying independant of the company and going for a 189 so I am not tied down. As far as I'm aware, each of these visas costs just as much, has same medicals, checks etc required.


What I am looking to find out is do any of the visas come through quicker say if they are nominated by a company, as in do they favour being nominated rather than going independant? Which one is likely to go through with the most ease? We are going to be looking to start a family soon, so is it best to get the visa before the wife is pregnant? I have been told that adding a child onto a PR visa is as simple as a letter to the government, but getting a visa with the child in the application is extra cost, anybody able to help? Also, she is currently on her previous surname on her UK passport, haven't updated as it's a good $400 and frankly, I don't believe she would absolutely have to change it or whether there is a law against not changing it? Will we have a problem with the difference in names when applying or do they use common sense and ask for a marraige certificate to show we're hitched?


Many questions, but I think they are the main ones I can think of. I've tried searching and reading the visa progress threads but it's not easy to find the info.


Thanks for any help. Any tips etc would be appreciated :cool:



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It used to be that the employer sponsored visas were quicker, at the moment they would appear to be running slower. If I had the choice of applying for a 189 versus a 186 or 187 I would go for the 189. Then the application is all about me and no need for the company to jump through hoops as well etc. And as I say, it is running a bit quicker at the moment.


Regarding adding a child at the outset or later. If you hold PR and the child is born in Australia then the child is a citizen and does not need a visa. If you hold PR but happen to go overseas for the birth for any reason though, then it is not possible to "add" the child to your visa. Every individual holds their own visa, there is no adding of others. You would have to apply for a child visa in this scenario and this would be significantly more expensive than including a child on a PR application if you were only at the application stage.


Women are not obliged by law to change their name after marriage. This is not the 17th century. :laugh:

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To add to Rupert's answer (all of which is spot on) - your wife will need medicals including an x-ray before either of you can be granted a permanent visa. For that reason, it would be better if she delays the pregnancy until after your medicals - remember they are only valid for 12 months so you can't get them too soon. Hopefully, you can time the pregnancy to suit your needs but lots of luck with that -as we all know, pregnancies happen when they happen and babies arrive when they arrive and there's not much you can do about either. The best case scenario would be if the baby is born in Australia after you have PR - then it would be an Australian citizen automatically. Next best scenario would be if baby arrives before you have been granted your permanent visa - then it can very simply (but at a cost which is currently $880), be added to the application. Worst case is if baby is born overseas - then s/he needs a Child visa which takes some months to get and costs (currently) $2370.

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Some good info already. At least I was on the right lines. If the difference between 186/187 and 189 is negligible if not quicker for 189 I'll probably go that way so I am not tied down and with the current economical climate in a mining town, it would ease any worries to know we were free to do as we please should anything happen. my wife struggles to find work here relevant to her experience and degree so it's always been at the back of my mind to keep options open.


We're not quite ready to start for a baby and know it isn't guaranteed to happen right away so hopefully we can get a PR first and the rest will fall into place after.


I have probably overthought the passport issue. If we apply in her old name, the visa goes on her current passport and we can travel wherever on that. Then whenever we renew it, change name and update the government. She has a qld licence should she need proof of new name anyway


Time to look at the 189 application in detail then :wink:

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