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Vinyl Records in a shipping container?


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Is it safe to pack vinyl records in a shipping container/ MoveCube?

Or should they be posted with Airmail? We have a couple of hundred records to get from the UK to Oz. My husband has concerns overthe temperature change with shipping, and that it might warp the records.

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Yes ours have done the journey twice and were fine. Packed vertically and tight with any gaps filled with packing paper.

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We have had removals people look at our in addition to discussing with dealers etc.


1, pack tight and vertically

2, do not wrap in plastic/pallet wrap etc

3, recove any outer poly sleeves


If the above is listened to then condensation is the worst that can happen therefore also try and keep an air flow. Personally I'm packing mine down into strong plastic crates, maybe say 30 as collection is approximately 6000 strong.


My concern is whether customs will see the records as commercial stock as there are quite a few including some doubles, trebles and even quads plus sealed copies?



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Thank you for your replies. My husband says thank you also. Its comforting to know that we should be able to ship them with the rest of our stuff. We were thinking we'd have to try and take them on the plane with us ha!

srg73 thats quite a collection you have! All the care you will have to put in will take some time. What kind of stuff do you collect? If its all a similar kind of genre do you think that might make it look more like a personal collection rather than stock for a shop or something?

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My music is electronic, house etc however not the normal rubbish in my eyes. A lot of my records have come from Chicago from a DJ who was there playing at the beginning of the house scene ie 1984. I have also bought part of 2 British dj's collections, the best being Jumpin Jack Frost or DJ Underground as he was first known. The collection is not that valuable ie £50k however I love the collection and would find it very difficult to part with them even though I hold most of them on computer now.


In addition to the records, I have quite a lot of DJ gear ie 6x Technics 1200's (4 of which I could not part with), mixers, hifi, CDJ's etc, all good quality stuff and I know all of its history which is important to me. Got 100's of flyers from 90-93, books, over 2000 tapes and about the same in cd's although I think most of them will get turfed out before we go. Finally have an extensive care set up for the records including Loricraft RCM which is circa £1.5k record cleaning machine.


Im a bit sad really however I love music....what can I say!


Carrying records on a plane is a nightmare, my brother DJ'd in China for 3 months and the airlines hated him taking just 300 records due to weight.




Forgot to mention be very careful of acetates or wax promos.

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