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Swap uk plugs for Austrialian plugs


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I am in the middle of working out what to ship and what to leave. Is it the case of anything you ship from Uk you can you go to Bunnings pick up some Austrialian plugs and swap the plugs? Its just if I am shipping a container I dont see the point of leaving electrical items unless they wont be any good to me in Perth. The items I am thinking of are:


Hairdryer, Tongs

Kettle, Toaster

Tumble dryer



Alarm Clocks




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i brought a couple of UK power boards with me and stuck an aussie plug on them, much easier than changing everything over, especially the ones that are practically welded on like laptop chargers...pain in the arse when I take my straighteners away overnight and forget the powerboard though...

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YYEEEAAAHHHHH!!! You got a Nutribullet! How drunk were you and what time in the early hours of the morning was it? :)


Joking aside i see u can buy nutribullets from target for only 99$ is there a target in Perth? I leave men in Uk

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