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Redirecting Royal Mail without forward address...

Mrs Keeneyboy

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A little help from you lovely knowledgable people please.....Spoke with Royal Mail this morning to set up redirection of post. As we don't yet have a forwarding address in Oz, we need to set up a PO Box......Anyone done this, if so how does one arrange a PO Box in Oz from UK?Many thx in advanceMrs K x

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A little help from you lovely knowledgable people please.....Spoke with Royal Mail this morning to set up redirection of post. As we don't yet have a forwarding address in Oz, we need to set up a PO Box......Anyone done this, if so how does one arrange a PO Box in Oz from UK?Many thx in advanceMrs K x

it costs to get a PO box. Do you have any friends in Aus you could get it sent to.

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Unless you know someone in Australia who could take a PO Box out for you it would be difficult, if not impossible - there are strict ID requirements in place to prevent criminal use of them.


We had our post redirected to my parents from the UK & let them open it and forward anything important, we found we could deal with a lot over the phone/on-line anyway. Is there someone in the UK you could trust to do that?


It would be pretty expensive I think but there are also on-line PO Boxes where essentially an agency opens and scans your mail and then you access it on-line and you advise what you want doing with it. It is more aimed at businesses but I can't see why an individual couldn't use it.

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