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Work history enough for a 457 visa? Part-qualified


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Hi there,


I have some general questions about the skills 457 visa please if anyone can help?


For the past 6 years I have worked as a management accountant, prior to that (for 3 yrs) I worked in as a company accountant dealing with the final accounts except for top end and tax stuff which was done by the external accountants.


In a nut shell, my skills are largely QBE - qualified by experience. I have recently taken exams as part of my degree (which I'm part way through year two (and no I don't want to wait thank you :wink:), which qualify me for CIMA exemptions at the certificate stage. (Aside from that I have intermediate AAT qualifications, level 3 diploma).


Does anyone know if I could obtain a 457 visa through either of these means, part-qualified or through experience?


Any leads would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you.

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In a nutshell, no - you won't qualify for a visa until you have completed CIMA. Also be careful about taking any exemptions from operational level upwards as this can cause problems with getting it recognised.l by CPA.


I have just finished CIMA, it's taken me 21 months from operational through to competing topcima so not too long. I know you don't want to wait but that's the reality of it I'm afraid. I wish it wasn't as I would have been in oz years ago I there was another way.

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To even be sponsored you need to nominate an occupation on the CSOL and demonstrate that you have the skills and experience for that qualification. There is no such thing as an accountant "qualified by experience", no more than you can have a doctor or a lawyer "qualified by experience". So I think it is going to be tricky, at the same time if you have a sponsor willing to try then why not...


To that point, was it you that was thinking of an internal transfer with your current company? If not and you are just going to look for a job, I old say this is a moot debate anyway. There are heaps of quality candidates for every accounting job and your chances are remote to zero.

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