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Advice needed!


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Hey, I've been in Australia for a short while working on a 457 visa. The company I'm with are having some financial trouble, I expressed that if they were struggling that I would have to look elsewhere for work to safeguard my future in Australia. As I did this I was asked to hand in my notice and be given 4 weeks unpaid leave. I'm not sure that if I do that I'll forego any of my rights on the 457 or what implications it would have for me staying in Australia.


Any help would be appreciated

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As far as your 457 is concerned, if you proceed to provide your resignation, you will then have 90 days to find a new sponsor so I suggest you avoid doing this to give yourself maximum time to remain on your visa.


As far as your comment that they seem to want to turn into a resignation, a) it sounds like they're trying to take advantage of your expression of concern. Unless you specifically told them you are resigning, you should clarify to them that you were just expressing your concern and you have not resigned. As well, they can't NOT pay you during your notice period, so if they tried to do that (now or if/when you do resign) you should contact Fair Work Australia.


Based on both the fact that they're struggling financially as well as the way they seem to be treating you over a comment about possibly needing to find new work, I think you'd be smart to start looking for another sponsor. Just don't tell them until you have confirmed that a new sponsor has successfully nominated you to take over your 457 visa.

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