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Home outgoings northern Tasmania

Joan Ann Powell

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Hoping someone will be able to help a couple of wrinklies who are considering a huge move from Qld to northern Tasmania.


We are on an extremely limited budget so really need to establish the difference in cost of living between the two states.


  • Would a property on tank water a bit out of the city be cheaper than a city suburb?
  • What does it cost to run a heat pump in a 3 brm lowset house?
  • Many houses for sale have wood burning stoves. Is wood available and the cost?
  • Are you allowed to gather fallen wood from roadsides/parks?
  • Can anyone give me specific current rates for their home?



Answers to any of the above would be appreciated.



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Would a property on tank water a bit out of the city be cheaper than a city suburb?




Generally it will be cheaper to buy - unless you want acreage. However, depending on the capacity of the tanks, you may have to buy in some water in a dry summer. I'm not sure how frequently that would happen in northern Tasmania as I am in Hobart....and the north has more rainfall than this area.



What does it cost to run a heat pump in a 3 brm lowset house?




I don't have a heat pump so can't speak from personal experience.

This comparison below might help although, from my experience of staying in places with a heat pump, the "warmth" is not nearly as "warming" as a wood heater, IMHO. It always feels a bit "draughty" to my perception. I have a wood heater which heats the whole house very adequately...and I'm sure one heat pump would not do that. The only other heating I use is the bathroom heater while showering in cool weather and occasionally, an oil column heater in the living area if it is not worth lighting the wood heater for a short period.






You may be eligible for a discount, depending on your income.



Many houses for sale have wood burning stoves. Is wood available and the cost?




Yes, there are plenty of firewood suppliers. I paid $110 per ton for 5 tons last winter. I'm not sure how that compares with northern Tasmania...I will get back to you on that one.



Are you allowed to gather fallen wood from roadsides/parks?



Not from parks. I'm not sure about roadsides...although I have seen people doing it. It may depend on the local council.



Can anyone give me specific current rates for their home?



Council rates vary from one council area to another. Rates on my house are $1500 pa in the Hobart City Council area - but I get a $300 discount off that as a pensioner concession as my income is part age pension, part superannuation pension.





Electricity ...approx $100 month



Gas (LPG tank) - hot water - approx $30 month



Water/sewerage rates....approx $150 per quarter



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You're very welcome! I Facebooked my young niece who lives in Evandale near Launceston: she says she pays $50 - 70 per "load" of firewood....and she "thinks" her loads are half a ton! :rolleyes:


Don't hesitate to ask if you have other questions (although I've never lived in the northern region so won't be much use on that specific area). I don't know whether you have discovered this website...but it may be of interest:



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Well, actually...she's living in my mother in law's house and, as I have Power of Attorney for m-i-l, I happen to have a rates notice for 2012/13 to hand. It was $771 (after $284 pension remission for m-i-l). That's for a fairly standard 3 bedroom single story brick house in a country village...but on a double block of land.


Water rates are administered by a single statewide authority and, AFAIK, have standard rates state wide. There's a fixed service charge for water and sewerage then a water usage charge of 92 cents per kilolitre. My fixed charges were $126 last quarter. If the northern charges are different I will let you know.

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