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Decision made!! The story begins


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Last night my GF and I decided that we should take a year out to travel around Australia and enjoy ourselves before we settle down and do that boring adult thing which involves kids and marriage :-) she is 22 and im

27 and we decided ages ago we want to live in australia but we think a WHV for a year would be better so we can explore,work on farms and look for places to live "if that's possible" in the future. So far our plan is only at the end of this year, and we plan to stay in Brisbane with her family whilst we do our 80 days work to gain our visa for the 2nd year. We aim to save save save whilst we work the 3 months and live with family to keep costs down. That way all the money we both save can be stores for when we explore the rest of oz after the 80days!! So far that is the only plan we have..but it's something and it's the start of a very long and very amazing journey!! You only live

once and all that ...


feel free to offer advise,tips and even criticism! All taken on aboard :-)

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Correct me if I'm wrong but to get the second visa you have to work somewhere rural. Brisbane wouldn't count towards 80 days

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Thanks pommypaul,I've been reading tinGtongs blog about his travelling but other than that I can't find any long Indepth blogs or informative pages. I have read so much this week and I'm so very excited I just wanna research and get as much information as I can. Although I understand the last thing on travellers minds is to keep a blog for a year :-)

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