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Yet another hurdle!


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I rang DIBP (again!) yesterday and they said the only way to claim points for a qualification is through a skills assessment (which I understand can be done in one of 3 ways - Group A (qualified to degree-standard with 2 yrs' experience), Group B (qualified to diploma-standard with 6 yrs' experience, or via an RPL, where you have to submit project reports to demonstrate your skills and experience are equivalent to those of a diploma-educated ICT professional, and you need 8 yrs' experience to do an RPL).


We started with the skills assessment as it's only another $50 to convert to an RPL, and we thought there might be a 0.001% chance that we don't have to do an RPL, but we assume we will have to. I guess you submit the RPL with your application to DIBP and they use it to give you the required 10 points...? (perhaps someone can confirm this).


Cheers, I-F :-)

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I guess you submit the RPL with your application to DIBP and they use it to give you the required 10 points...? (perhaps someone can confirm this).


I would love to say that you're correct, but I don't think you are. It would be good if someone could prove me wrong, because I could do with those extra 10 points too.

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To be honest Itchy, if it's been ten years you've been trying to do it just get out any way you can and suck it and see. You won't know how the money is going to last or not until you start getting a wage, rented a house, got a car, insurance, all the other bits and pieces sorted.


All the planning and constantly going over it will only make you worry more and it might be that once you're here and over the first few big expenses then things will start falling into place and your salary go further than you think. It's amazing how much money we spend that we don't really need to.


Good luck.

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Thanks Paul, and you are absolutely right. We've gotten to the point now where we're not confident about getting PR (though we'll still try) and expect to go on a 457, as originally planned. We're putting the house on the market and once we've got an offer on the table we'll ring every agent we know and try to get a job sorted to coincide with the completion of our house sale. Yes it's risky, yes it could all go t!ts up but, tbh (and as you so rightly pointed out), we've done so much planning for the worst-case scenarios, made plan As/Bs/Cs and erred on the side of caution to such an extent that it's never happened. Until now. I'm a very cautious person but that hasn't gotten me anywhere, so we're going to 'wing it' and pray everything works out :-) Worse-case scenario, we sell up and are temporarily homeless (well, with my parents - they don't know this yet!) either until we make the move to start a job or, failing that, we're stuck in the UK and have sold for no reason and have to buy again. Hey ho, nothing ventured, nothing gained....


I still remain slightly hopeful about the RPL though, as it's a genuine route to a skills assessment so no reason why - if my oh's skills & experience are deemed equivalent to an AQF diploma - we can't use that to get the 10 points. Positive thinking for this overly-cautious lady! :-)

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I emailed ACS with this message:


Please could you tell me if I can use a positive result from an RPL application, to gain 10 points from SkillSelect under the following criteria:

Any other qualification

You can receive 10 points for any other qualification or award which is recognised as suitable for your nominated occupation in your skills assessment by the relevant assessing authority.

(source: http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/189.aspx)

Assume that no qualifications were assessed as part of the RPL skills assessment.

This is the reply:



The recognition of prior learning application is not a qualification and a qualification is not reported on your result letter.


Any queries concerning points will need to be directed to the Department of Immigration.

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In 2011, I was 45, that was the cut off age then. I'd passed a FdA at Manchester Met to get here. I'm a Microsoft Certified Trainer, ITIL and PRINCE2 certified. None of which helped. I came on a 457, did my transition to 186 last year and could not be happier. It was a MASSIVE risk. I have the posh house in the UK which I swapped for a bed sit in Wanneroo, I had 25 years service.... and joined an awesome company. Good luck... Oh I forgot, no skills assessment or English test to stress you out with a 457.

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DDU - That was our original aim and still may be the only way we get in, but ideally we'd like to get PR as it gives us more stability with a young family. It seems the job market isn't doing so well in Aus at the moment and employers are less willing to sponsor for IT positions other than penetration testers, which my husband is, so hopefully we'll be one of the lucky ones and manage to get sponsorship :-) If we can get enough points (from the skills / RPL and IELTS) we'll still apply for PR (via the 190) though. Failing that, we'll work for a year and do the Vic fast-track to PR, or work for two years and do the 186 like yourself.


There's always a way, it just takes determination and faith.... things I keep forgetting every time I read something negative about our options! Have to keep reminding myself hubby is in the 'right' job to get sponsorship and we've got to 'keep believing'!

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The recognition of prior learning application is not a qualification and a qualification is not reported on your result letter. Any queries concerning points will need to be directed to the Department of Immigration.


I also emailed them! This is their reply to me (not dissimilar to yours, but still doesn't fully answer my question!):-


"The RPL application is for applicants with Non ICT qualifications or without tertiary ICT qualifications. This can be used for migration purposes and is based on ICT work experience and a successful RPL report. The result letter issued will report on the experience provided in the assessment. We cannot comment on the points system as these are awarded by the Department of Immigraiton. Please note that the RPL is a valid skills assessment it is just based on work experience. Please see the ACS guidelines for further information on the RPL application."


So we can confirm (from your reply and mine) that the RPL is indeed a skills assessment but that it does not state a qualification. DIBP said the only way to prove one's points (for "an award or qualification recognised by the relevant assessment authority") is through a skills assessment.


How can this be if the RPL doesn't state a qualification?!


Every time I email someone (DIBP / ACS) re: immigration, they either only answer half my questions or copy and paste info. off their website (which I already know off-by-heart, and resent the implication (by their inclusion of such info.) that I have not bothered checking their websites before emailing random questions!).


I've searched for RPL on Google Images but to no avail... I cannot believe nobody in the world has successfully completed one and not posted it online (or talked about it on a forum). Surely we can't be the only people in the world to have relevant IT qualifications / vendor certifications (not accepted for a skills assessment by ACS) but no degree or diploma...??



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I've searched for RPL on Google Images but to no avail... I cannot believe nobody in the world has successfully completed one and not posted it online (or talked about it on a forum). Surely we can't be the only people in the world to have relevant IT qualifications / vendor certifications (not accepted for a skills assessment by ACS) but no degree or diploma...??


From what i've read on forums, there are a couple of reasons people don't post their RPL online. One is that they have put so much blood, sweat and tears into it, that they just don't want to give all of that hard work away. The other reason more importantly is that ACS check for plagiarism, and if someone manages to copy their RPL then ACS might think that they have copied it and reject their application.


As for for no relevant quals or a degree, it seems we might be the only ones! It seems that to be successful in the case, we'd pretty much have to come out of school and work 16 years to gain a positive skills assessment AND get extra points for skilled work experience to get up to DIBP's 60 point barrier!


I have almost 15 years experience, so I could wait an extra year + a bit to get 15 "skilled employment" points (instead of 10) to bring me up to the 60 point barrier.

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From what i've read on forums, there are a couple of reasons people don't post their RPL online. One is that they have put so much blood, sweat and tears into it, that they just don't want to give all of that hard work away. The other reason more importantly is that ACS check for plagiarism, and if someone manages to copy their RPL then ACS might think that they have copied it and reject their application.


As for for no relevant quals or a degree, it seems we might be the only ones! It seems that to be successful in the case, we'd pretty much have to come out of school and work 16 years to gain a positive skills assessment AND get extra points for skilled work experience to get up to DIBP's 60 point barrier!


I have almost 15 years experience, so I could wait an extra year + a bit to get 15 "skilled employment" points (instead of 10) to bring me up to the 60 point barrier.


Sorry, I don't think I explained myself properly. I meant, I haven't seen any successful RPL letters online (i.e. ones that say, for example, how your experience and quals translate). I didn't mean the actual project reports...


Yep, looks like we're in the same boat. Let's hope we both get the points we need :-)

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Sorry, I don't think I explained myself properly. I meant, I haven't seen any successful RPL letters online (i.e. ones that say, for example, how your experience and quals translate). I didn't mean the actual project reports...


Yep, looks like we're in the same boat. Let's hope we both get the points we need :-)


Ah right, doh! I'm with ya now :)

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