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Hi there ye all lol I need some help :-(


Im looking to work & live in Oz preferably in Perth WA where my Uncle Aunt & 2 Cousins live (all citizens);

Im British, 46 yrs young and only get 55pts on the assessment for skilled workers so fall short of the 60pts required;

I spoke to an agency and they reckon a work permitt is my only option, they are looking £3K to do the application and they say I need to get the ball rolling as I need to get a job offer, accept it move over, work for 2yrs and then apply for my Permanent Residence before my 50th birthday!!!

Thing is is this my only option?

Can I do this myself as £3k is a lot?

What Form is it?

Can I trust an agency? They say they have companies on their database with vacanies but there is no guarantee with this option and it could be £3k wasted!!!


Has anyone any experience in these circumstances???


Thanks for reading this,

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Hi, To be honest i would give £3,000 to any agency,they cannot guarantee you a job period. As far as applying yourself as long as you have an understanding of the English language you can find all the information on the Australian website.

Have you thought about getting sponsored by your uncle and aunt? If they are Ozzie citizens it shouldnt be a problem. Check it out on the immigration website. Also check to see if your age is within the limit for a work visa in general. Unless you have a very rare skill which is in high demand its unlikely youll get a company to sponsor you.

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Hi, To be honest i would give £3,000 to any agency,they cannot guarantee you a job period. As far as applying yourself as long as you have an understanding of the English language you can find all the information on the Australian website.

Have you thought about getting sponsored by your uncle and aunt? If they are Ozzie citizens it shouldnt be a problem. Check it out on the immigration website. Also check to see if your age is within the limit for a work visa in general. Unless you have a very rare skill which is in high demand its unlikely youll get a company to sponsor you.

There is very limited pathways for family sponsorship - the only family sponsorship visa that is still current is for a provisional regional visa which requires your occupation to be on SOL, even then it only provides 10 points. Even then there is still competition for these visas with only 4200 places per year.


Family sponsorship is fast becoming a thing of the past.

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If you get a job offer you may well find the sponsoring company pay for the visa application costs so definitely don't pay this company anything!


There is no guaranteed route from a 'work permit' (457 visa) to permanent residency - some companies MAY sponsor you after 2 years on the ENS route (but in fact if you have a positive skills assessment could sponsor you for PR up front). It is a risky strategy though - if it's your only option you might be prepared to take the chance but do have a look through the forum at some of the 457 'horror' stories first. FWIW we arrived in Perth on a 457 visa and got PR independently 9 months later - but we were already eligible for this, we took the 457 just to get out faster and the sponsoring company paid all our relocation costs :)


I would try another migration agent and get a second opinion on your PR options - there are a few that post regularly on here that might be worth a try. We use OE http://www.overseas-emigration.co.uk and were happy enough and they give a free assessment (as do many others)

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I am an accounting technician and taxation technican and have 26yrs working experience...


Have you checked out State Sponsorship as an option?

You can get an extra 5 points from State Sponsorship if your work experience/education is something they need in that area.

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I am an accounting technician and taxation technican and have 26yrs working experience...

I've just had a quick scan through the csol - I can not see your occupation on the list. Unless you are an accountant. If you occupation is not on the list sponsorship isnot possible.



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