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Maybe too late after all


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Well after years of indecisiveness and family pressure (now we have support), my husband and I have started the process...however as usual for us, we seem to time things completely wrong and now it seems like we may not even get there. My hubby is pretty clued up and has fully investigated all the options we have even booked in with an emmigration agent because we appreciate it isn't that easy. However the problem seems to be that now things have tightened up we may have been the decision way too late.


When we originally looked the requirment for his skill was vast and we missed the chance. He is in Civils, originally trained in the Royal Engineers for 8 years to become a Civil Engineer working all over the world, the army didn't provide a University Qualification back then, even though they did a few years later, but he has worked in this buisness now for 20 years and is currently a Construction Project Manager for a big Utilities company in the UK, managing high scale projects. However now to go to Oz they only want you with a Degree. So the fact that he has worked in the business for that long it measn nothing as he could have 3 years exp and a degree but have no where near his level of knowledge. We know it is different reg and rules in Oz and he is appreciative that there are lots living there who have more experieince and rightfully should have the job at this level, so therefore he was looking at getting back to being a Civil Engineer technician. it is on the list for WA and SA, however because he has NVQ etc etc and other British standard quals he will have to have his skills assessed which is fine....We don't expect Australia to give us something for nothing. We have lots of friends who have made the move and haven't looked back and we want a better quality of life for our family and our future.


Anyway we were wondering if anyone as been through the Skills Assessment for something similar.....how long it took, what outcomes etc.....and if anyone could recommend an Agent who have helpped them in a similar situation. The one we are using seem to be trying to Push us to NZ which is an option but not really ideal....as he doesn't really understand my husbands job and keeps referring to his as a Building Assessor! Which obviosuly he is not.....Anyway constructive help would be great....Thanks :eek:

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The migration agent may be trying to fit your oh skill to one that is on the list of shortages. NZ will have shortages of Civil at the present time due to the Christchurch earthquakes as well. Best to have a look at the skills required on the list yourself at the immigration web site. Also there are lots of migration agents around and a few post on this site so have a read around the jobs and careers section and migration section and see if you can find out more information.

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One option may be a company sponsored route. I dont normally recomend them as it is a temp visa for upto 4 years. However, if he were to work for the same employer for 2 years he could then apply through the company sponsored permanent residence route and be exempt from a skills assessment. So looking for an employer may be a way forward

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