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Medicare claims info to a Third party ,advice please


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can someone please take a look at this form and tell me what exactly the third party will be able to look at ? I am on income protection and the insurers want this filling out before they release any more money to me . I been above board and sent every detail to them every medical cert , physio cert MRI scan reports , surgery results and my GP has filled out a detailed medical report but now they want this :mad:....do they think my GP is lying ? I just don't want them going into my history before the surgery , why should they ......my GP has told me to see a lawyer but that's time and money and help would be great , thanks http://www.humanservices.gov.au/spw/customer/forms/resources/2690-1003en.pdf

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From the sample info on page 2 it doesn't look like anything you or your GP haven't already given them.


What's your reluctance to complete the form? All I can see is them getting in a table format instead of having to pull it all together themselves from what you have given them.

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I think after having looked at the form that


You are given the opportunity to put in dates that you are prepared to give them access to.So you just put in the dates applicable to this injury ,claim.

So you are not having to give them access to you history before this time if you do not want to.

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ok thanks , but they have had everything ive had , maybe I`ve been too honest ....................my reluctance is because my GP and I think its rude to ask for this as GP and myself have given them everything they have needed up to now and I just want to make sure they cant read my previous history prior to the claim dates .......

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They always want this and if you were to get any compensation then medicare and any private insurer gets money from the settlement of your claim. This happened with my oh and then they had to anticipate how much more his health costs would be and with the private health. It gets complicated when its work related and in my oh case it was asbestos so big potatoes.

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Guest The Pom Queen

I've just chat to a really lovely lady yesterday, she is a member on here but I won't reveal her info as its private, but her work got her to see an independant dr/specialist who said she was fit to return to work and they stopped paying her, but her GP won't let her return and told her to get a lawyer.

I don't see you have any choice but to fill it in Nick.

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They always want this and if you were to get any compensation then medicare and any private insurer gets money from the settlement of your claim. This happened with my oh and then they had to anticipate how much more his health costs would be and with the private health. It gets complicated when its work related and in my oh case it was asbestos so big potatoes.



thanks petals , they have been paying me for some months via income protection as I work for a large company , so a little worried and confused when asked for this .......


thanks too Kate , suppose I will have to reluctantly fill it in then .....

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