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RSMS; after 2 years (not urgent)


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my employer told me that it is required another paper work to be PR after 2 years from RSMS visa granted .

I think it is wrong as Ive received the paperwork (PDF file through e-mail) from immigration which said I am now PR blah blah blah when my RSMS was granted.


I assume the company needs to fill some kind of paper for themselves (to prove employment???) after 2 years, but do anyone know what happen on you or your employer when your employment has been done for 2 years?

my boss talked about this occasionally and i didn't aware of this, so both of us were confused sometimes...


it is nothing urgent, just curious....

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No, I have never heard of anything at all needing to be filled out. My grant letter just says I have to let when know of any change of employment within the first two years.


yeah, mine was the same. I do not worry about the paper work for myself tho.


what my employer said was, "you need paperwork after 2 years, right?" -no, I am already PR. "... why your visa is different from others? (total 6 people applied RSMS at the same time, but granted different time)" - no, everyone should be the same ....??? my letter said I am a PR. " you confuse me" - you confuse me, boss! :S


he didn't do any paperwork himself, but other admin did and they talked about visa occasionally.

one work mate failed this time as he should apply to transit stream from 457, and now he has to wait to re-apply until some kind of paperwork done by employers (as many of us are currently sponsored by the employer, not sure about this). he might talk about this ... not sure....

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Maybe he's confusing your visa with a temporary 457 or something.... because there is no requirement to do anything once your 2 years are up with an RSMS. You'll be a free agent with a permanent visa.



i don't think nothing worry about unless I disappear from work without notice etc.


i thought company needs to finish up(immi wants to know if it is genuine etc) the sponsor by another paperwork.


thanks all :)

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