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Do we need to sit IELTS test?


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Hi. My hubby has started his skills assessment for Systems Analyst and we want to apply for victoria state sponsorship. how do i know if he needs to sit the ielts tests?


I didn't need it for my skills assessment as I have a British passport and have an honours degree from the UK, however I needed to sit it to boost my points so I could submit my EOI.

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He doesn't need IELTS for skills assessment by the Australian Computer Society (ACS) - they have no such requirement.


If he is from an English speaking country and doesn't need additional points in order to pass the points test or to meet state sponsorship requirements, he doesn't need to do IELTS.


If he is from a non-English speaking country, he must do IELTS and must achieve a score of at least 6 in each of the 4 components - this is a mandatory DIBP requirement.


Regardless of his country of citizenship, if he needs additional points for the points test AND/OR if the sponsoring state requires higher than 6 in each of the 4 IELTS components, he must do IELTS and achieve the required score i.e. all 7s or above for Proficient English or all 8s for Superior English for points score purposes, or whatever specific requirement the sponsoring state has, whichever is higher.


If YOU are from a non-English speaking country and want to avoid having to pay the expensive second instalment for your visa (currently AUD$4885), you must be able to provide evidence that you have at least Functional English. IELTS is one way of doing that.

http://www.immi.gov.au/skills/skillselect/index/functional-english/ Proof of Functional English

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