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ACS Membership, any thoughts?


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This is a question for the IT guys out there; have you become a member of the Australian Computer Society? I haven't joined the BCS here, but I'm wondering how well regarded the ACS membership is, if you are a member, do recruiters even bat an eyelid at it?


I understand its not a silver bullet in job hunting terms, but it does give the impression that you're serious enough about making the move permanent. In my opinion, professionalism and being motivated to progress yourself go without saying (along with their other ethics), but I'm wondering if an ACS membership would make the difference when job hunting.



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Hi I am not in it neither is anyone in my IT department. A lot of people I speak to dont like them. They say their main source of income is doing skills assessment for imigrants. So they have a vested interest in keeping the flood gates open even as jobs dry up on the ground. I dont think it will help or harm u either way

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