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How much in total to move to oz?

Stacy Cooper

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I have looked on government website and found out the cost of the 189 skilled independent visa, but how much are the extra things like medical costs, skill sets etc. basically the overall cost for the process? Has anyone moved recently and know the process? And the best company to go with - moving from the UK thanks

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I reckon about £20k by the time it was all paid for, and that was on a 457. But I'm including full container shipment, 4k to fly our dog out, flights, temporary accommodation, visas, buy a car, money until I started work etc


And then about 20k dollars to get back home 2 years later!

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Yes, yes and yes. Should be worth it. Yes used an agent. No not there yet lol.

Agent is about £1800 so if you do it yourself it'll be cheaper. Depending what qualifications you have and if oz recognises them you could take off 2-3 k

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I couldn't have done it not got the brains lol.

There's a few folk on here managed it with ease.

Moving Soon as possible just waiting on an answer now! All the legwork and paperworks been done! So my co better move her ass ,)

Heading to Perth, hopefully.

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Guest Guest66881

All your moving costs forget about you already paid them out, up front rental cost before you get here also (for holiday let it's what we did), we made sure we had at least $20000 in spare cash at hand as we had no real idea of what things cost here other than what we learned from here and places like it.

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