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The Final Stretch


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I've done over 4 years here. We've done the citizenship test and waiting for the ceremony. I called Immigration today to get an idea of the time scale as I was really hoping that we would be home by May at the latest. They said it could take anywhere from 3-6 months. I know this will probably sound ridiculous but the thought of still being here until June/July is really depressing me. I've told myself that it will go quickly, it's nearly over etc, but I guess it's that feeling of being in limbo and still not knowing when where my life is going in the next few months. I feel like I can't plan, flights, shipping etc as we don't know when we're going. I've also applied for a job in London that is perfect for me but there is no way they would hold the position open for me for that long. Thanks for letting me rant, any tips on how to get through the next few months would be great.

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Immigration are the wrong people to talk to so there is hope! The ceremonies are organised by your council/shire - look on their website. Depending on the council you may even be able to have a private ceremony or they may squeeze you into an earlier ceremony if you come up with a sob story about needed to return to the UK 'for a while'.


Even if the date won't give they may well be able to tell you when yours will be so you can plan - we knew which one we were booked into long before the official invites came out after talking to the council directly.


I assume you have your letter saying that you have passed? Wait about two weeks and then phone the council and ask when the earliest your ceremony will be - tell them you want to book a three month holiday or something ;)


As for getting through, we survived by having detailed plans and ticking off each step as we achieved it - we moved back July this year and it is actually a great time to move back - the weather is about the same, children have chance to settle in before starting school and the mood in the UK was very positive - it as a great summer this year :)

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Oh SKW, I don't want to make it worse but don't forget you than have to apply for your Australian passport - you can fast track it but we had two weeks in our plan for that after the ceremony.

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Thanks for your replies.


Lady Rainicorn - I did actually call my local council first and they said they could give me the dates of ceremonies (which they did) but then said I would need to contact immigration about where I was on the list as they only organise the ceremonies but not who will be invited to attend. We did our test back in Dec and got a letter not long after saying that we had been approved. I did have a sob story ready but the guy I spoke to was having none of it and said that I would need to provide written evidence to back up my case if I wanted an earlier ceremony. He said if I needed to go back urgently I would just have to use my UK passport and then pay for a RRV when I got back. Very frustrating! I think detailed plans are a good idea but I have no idea where to start, we didn't think we could get shipping etc sorted until we had a date to leave. Yes, I was aware we would also have to organise passports, really hoping that goes smoothly. Trying to be positive.


Very Stormy - I would have gone a long time ago. Getting citizenship was my compromise with DH, I have no desire to come back & he's always known that, but he wants it just in case we have issues with jobs etc in the UK. I have talked to to him about going back by myself if I get the job, and perhaps coming back for a ceremony if need be, it would also give me time to set up over there, but he's not keen on that idea and I don't like the idea of leaving my son here. So looks like I have to wait.


Thanks for listening. Can't wait to post that we have a date!

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I feel for you. I also found a perfect job to apply for the other week, but as you say, plenty of UK based applicants too.


Try to look at it this way, 6 months is no time at all. If someone told me I could potentially be home in 6 months I would be over the moon! During this time there is no point fighting something you can't change.... If you can afford it, would making a bucket list of things to do help? Tick one off every month or fortnight? This can also be simple stuff too. I have my own list, and am trying to work through it. Some are more expensive such as a weekend in Hobart, others are just simple.


One item is to take my camera and go take black & white shots of the Rocks area down in Sydney, won't cost me anything. There must be stuff you can do to keep you preoccupied while you wait....


It won't be forever! X

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I agree with 3FatCats, if I was told I could go home in 6 months I'd be giddy! Seriously though, I know time does drag when you're waiting for something good to happen, but I'm sure packing and organising everything will take up a large chunk of time. My fiance is Australian, hence my baby girl is Australian so I'll be getting citizenship when I can, but I must say, I wouldn't be overly keen to move back here if I manage to escape in the first place, lol, I just want to keep our options open for the future.


Isn't it funny how people wanting/waiting to go home always refer to their time here as if they're coming to the end of a prison sentence.

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3FatCats - Yes, I know 6 months will of course fly by and I need to just accept that it will be here soon enough. I guess I'm just getting impatient and also I have a "big" birthday in May so really wanted to be around my family. I like your bucket list idea, we will definitely do what we can but finances are an issue as we are saving to go home. How long have you been here? When are you planning to go home?


Sarahelle - Your post made me LOL!! Yes, it does feel like I am coming to the end of my prison sentence!! Yes, packing is a big part of it, we are already organising and I am selling off some of my son's baby things as I sadly can't have any more kids. I had held on to it all hoping, but now that we're moving home it's getting a bit easier for me to let it all go. How long have you been here? When will you be able to get citizenship?

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3FatCats - Yes, I know 6 months will of course fly by and I need to just accept that it will be here soon enough. I guess I'm just getting impatient and also I have a "big" birthday in May so really wanted to be around my family. I like your bucket list idea, we will definitely do what we can but finances are an issue as we are saving to go home. How long have you been here? When are you planning to go home?


Sarahelle - Your post made me LOL!! Yes, it does feel like I am coming to the end of my prison sentence!! Yes, packing is a big part of it, we are already organising and I am selling off some of my son's baby things as I sadly can't have any more kids. I had held on to it all hoping, but now that we're moving home it's getting a bit easier for me to let it all go. How long have you been here? When will you be able to get citizenship?


Hey, I also have a BIG birthday in May!! :biggrin: Maybe it will be our year?! Been here since August 2011, and I don't actually know when I will be heading home, it is all rather complicated with my situation (or I am just finding excuses as my counsellor says..). In theory, I semi-plan to try and head over in June sometime, stay with friends and look for work. My OH would stay behind here until I find my feet, and keep earning $ to keep us going. All in theory until I can find the courage to make that step...gulp...

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Hey, I also have a BIG birthday in May!! :biggrin: Maybe it will be our year?! Been here since August 2011, and I don't actually know when I will be heading home, it is all rather complicated with my situation (or I am just finding excuses as my counsellor says..). In theory, I semi-plan to try and head over in June sometime, stay with friends and look for work. My OH would stay behind here until I find my feet, and keep earning $ to keep us going. All in theory until I can find the courage to make that step...gulp...


Where will you be heading back too? Really hope it works out for you. Let's hope this is the year for us both xx

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SKW I've been here since September 2010 and I'll be able to apply for citizenship next year I think. I think we'll be here for at least another 3 years - a lot depends on what happens with the immigration rules regarding me being able to take my Australian fiance and daughter with me to the UK as unless they change we're here for the foreseeable future :(


Good luck with everything, you must be so excited!

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SKW I've been here since September 2010 and I'll be able to apply for citizenship next year I think. I think we'll be here for at least another 3 years - a lot depends on what happens with the immigration rules regarding me being able to take my Australian fiance and daughter with me to the UK as unless they change we're here for the foreseeable future :(


Good luck with everything, you must be so excited!


You will be eligible for Citizenship from Sept this year. We started the process in Nov when we had been here 4 years. Sorry to hear you are tied up because if the immigration rules. Hope you get some positive news soon.


Not excited yet, think I will be once I have ceremony date and book my flight! Hopefully time will fly by x

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oo, keep us posted!


Yes, I realised that I'm eligible this year, I thought I had to be a PR for 2 years but it's 12 months so I'll be doing that definitely. My DF and I have decided to do two more years here and then return to the UK if we can. I've always got my fingers crossed that the rules will change between now and then :)

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