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How refreshing!


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I met a new women at work yesterday - it turns out we have a very similar history, both worked for the same companies, both moved up from London to Scotland for similar reasons and have both spent the last 5 years overseas - her in Amsterdam though.


What was lovely is she was so not interested in Australia - said it was a place she'd never fancied going! And when she was made redundant in Amsterdam considered where else in the world she might go and decided nowhere was better than Scotland. It made perfect sense to her that we'd come back!


It was also nice to talk to someone that understood that going on holiday somewhere and living somewhere are completely different, she said her friends would say 'how amazing to live in Amsterdam' and yet once you've done to tourist things it's the same old life just in a different place.


Anyone such a shame she has started just as I am moving on as I might have made a new BFF :)

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Maybe I should come up and sit between you Lady R as I used to live in Amsterdam, then London, then Australia and soon back to the UK! (Though we'll be in Northumberland so not quite over the border).


It must be nice to have someone with that attitude rather than the "are you mad?" response you often hear about.

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