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Hi guys


Im a 30 year old brit who runs a building company in the Uk however im really keen to move to Ozz for various reasons. I have taken some advice and the back packing visa should do the trick as im under 31 and it will let me work for 6 months. What do you think?


I suppose with any big decisions it all about weighing up the risk. So the high risk factor for me would be finding a job when I arrive. I have heard all sorts of stories, one example is I was told as soon as you get of the plane the probability is you will find a job and simply take it from there.


So could I ask for some real world examples/stories about how people found there jobs and if the rumors are true that Ozz has more jobs then people to fill them?


Hope the above makes sense and thank you for your time..



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Its not always as easy as hopping off the plane and walking into a job, although if that was correct for everyone it would be great,lol. Where you start your adventure will play a large part in work availability and also the type of work your willing to do. Have a read through our backpackers section as we have quite a few members who have been there and done it on this type of visa.

Lots of luck with everything


Cal x

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Not sure about stepping off the plane and getting a job straight away, people have all different experiences in the job hunting process in Australia, some get lucky, others it takes time.


As Cal says where are you thinking of heading in Australia can alter the availability of work. Would you be looking for bricklaying work?

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