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Experiences of emigrating with autism!!


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Hi everyone


I was wondering what's peoples experience of moving to oz with autistic children? My son is 5 and currently being diagnosed he doesn't require anymore speech therapy and is not on medication.



Ive ive heard yesterday that it will probably go against us if the Australian Gouverment thinks he is a burden.


any advice is defo appreciated




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Usual advice - every case is different and you need to talk to an agent who specializes in medical conditions. George Lombard and Peter Bollard tend to be the ones with the specific knowledge in this area. Catch 22 tho - if the child is deemed low enough needs to get a visa then chances are they won't qualify for support in schools (well, not much, anyway). UK education offers more support for kids with autism as a general rule.


You will need all reports updated - IQ, Speech/language, adaptive behaviour, all diagnostic tests, skill levels etc etc plus any reports which may indicate the probability of an independent functioning (although at 5 that's harder!)

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