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Question about 175 visa


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Hello All,


I do apologise if this has been asked already but couldnt seem to find anything on it.


Basically in a nut shell, me and my wife moved to Perth in Oct 2011 on a 175 skilled independant visa, spent 7 months there and had a great time but had to come back for my brothers wedding and our own the following year. After discussions we are definately going to head back but not just yet and was wondering if you can get an extension on the visa? Currently we are ok til June 2016 but we could be going back after this.


If anybody could shed any light on this, it would be very appreciated





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You would need a resident return visa to get back to Australia after your current one expires. You need to have 2 years residency in last 5 to be eligible for 5 year RRV. There are 3 month and 1 year RRV, but you need to show substantial ties to Australia such as job offer etc.


Best to be back before visa runs out as there is no guarantee of getting RRV with only 7 months residency.

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