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Travelling abroad for work


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I'm getting a promotion - yay! At the same time I'm attempting to change visas from my current 457 to a Direct Entry 186, sponsored by my employer.


As I understand it, once the 186 is granted I'll have no worries about staying in Australia and will just have to wait until such a time as I qualify for citizenship.


But one thought just struck me - the new job involves international travel. Potentially rather a lot of it - as in I could be spending 50% of my time in Asia, Europe or the US, whilst still in full-time employement here in Australia.


So how might that affect my visa status and any future citizenship applications? Will it count as 'leaving the country for more than 3 months of the year'? (This would be technically accurate, but it seems to miss the point if I'm still earning Australian dollars for that time).


Not a big deal but I'd like to know where I stand :skeptical:

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I believe that there are exceptional circumstances in the citizenship act for residency requirements


The following is list of relevant occupations for this special residence requirement:

a member of the crew of a ship or aircraft

a worker on a resources installation or a sea installation

a Chief Executive Officer or Executive Manager of an S&P/ASX All Australian 200 listed company

a Scientist employed by:

an Australian university who has attained a PhD in their field of speciality and is undertaking research and development of benefit to Australia or

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) or

a medical research institute which is a member of the Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes (AAMRI)

a medical specialist, internationally renowned in their field, who is a fellow of an organisation listed in Schedule 4- Part 1 of the Health Insurance Regulations 1975 (Cth) and holds a relevant qualification in relation to the organisation

a person who is a writer or is engaged in the visual or performing arts and who is the holder of, or has held, a Distinguished Talent Visa.

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Any way you can teleconference etc instead of travelling at least part of the time? Worth having the conversation with your boss as they obviously think you are capable of doing the new role and are also supportive of getting you your PR.


I used to travel in a previous role and had to keep a very close eye on my days out of the country.

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Meh, I guess it's not that important. Most of my job is research - sitting with people to understand how they live, how they do things... running focus groups, that sort of thing. Really isn't so effective over the phone!


My pain now is with PR sponsorship - had a long chat with my immigration team yesterday where they basically refused to nominate me with a skills assessment, saying 'their policy' is to wait for two years continuous employment. Argh! I'm getting my own skills assessment, see what they say after that...

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