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parents visa

Guest grandma

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Guest grandma

Is there anywhere were I can find a simple breakdown of what I need to do and what costs are involved to move to Australia in around 6 years time? We have two daughters and their families living in oz. One daughter has citizenship and the other moved to oz last year. We would be getting a 'parents visa'

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Hello grandma.


Here are three websites for you to look at:





The factsheet comparing the Contributory Parent visa (subclass 143) with the Aged Parent (subclass 804) might also be of interest:



Best regards.

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You might find this Booklet on the DIBC website useful:




It gives a comparison of all the parent visas


Briefly the main choices are:


Parent visa 103 - this is the cheapest option, but the waiting time is being quoted as 10-15 years. However, someone recently posted on this forum that they had got their visas after 7 years.


Contributory Parent visa - very expensive, currently costs around 60,000 pounds for a couple.


There is also the Aged parent visa 804 which you can apply for onshore, given the right circumstances. You need to be over 65 to apply and waiting time is around 6-8 years I believe and you will get a bridging visa to stay in Australia while the visa is processed. However there are risks. If you are not intending to go for about 6 years you could apply for the 103 and see how you progress in the queue. If you can afford it you can always then cancel and apply for the 143. The time spend waiting on the 103 is usually considered so you would probably not wait long for your visa.


There is also a parent visa thread which is a sticky at the top of the immigration forum.

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