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Medium ... SE QLD areas, Have you seen one ?


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I was just reading another thread and it made me wonder if anyone here had a recommendation for a physic or medium in the Brisbane, Gold Coast, Ipswich area (im happy to travel to a good one). It is something ive wanted to do for ages and have decided as i approach the big 40 ,im going to do it. I would prefer one who can liase with passed relatives rather than your fortune teller type.


I saw a guy in the UK a few years before we migrated and he looked at your palm then walked around the room plucking 'facts' out of thin air, he was great,although a lot of his stuff didnt make sense to me until years later, when you think OMG he said this would happen etc etc.


Cal x

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Guest The Pom Queen

I don't know if I'm a believer or not Cal, I've seen to many shows where they out them and show how they really do it.

A lot are suppose to say general things that can and will apply to most people, ie you will fall in love, you will have children, etc.

I read a lot of Doris Stokes books in my youth and found her amazing, but then the critics explained how she did it as well and put a dampener on things for me. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doris_Stokes#Criticism.2C_debunking_and_accusations_of_fraud

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One of our members has sent me a PM with details of one someone she knew recommended so i will probably try that one, once the In laws have been and gone,lol.


Im not sure how much i 'believe' , the guy i saw in the UK was great, so many things he said were or have come true. He told me we were moving overseas, i said yes we have just bought property in Spain ,to which he laughed and said much further afield than that, i just thought he was bonkers until a year later out of the blue we decided to move to Aus, how could he have known ,if we didnt ?.

He knew i had one sibling and had lost a parent at a very young age, he also described my children's personality's to a tee, so yes its hard to not believe when your confronted with info like that but the reason id like to see a medium is i have so many close rellies 'up there' i think it would be interesting to see what or who comes through.


Cal x

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